Trading Honda Pilot or CRV for 2012 Subaru Impreza or Outback
I have been interested in downsizing my vehicles as my kids will soon be going to college.... I have been looking at the 2012 Subaru Outback and Impreza,just from the web.
I can think of 2 good reasons why I might like an Impreza (STI trim mind you) for a run-around buggy;
1) 305 hp.
2) 2,750 pound AWD chassis.
Best of luck.
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Trading Honda Pilot or CRV for 2012 Subaru Impreza or Outback
Ken has no one brought out small diesel pickup? You were looking for one right?
I have been surprised to learn Honda and Toyota are not any better and not as good and Ford and Chevy is now in some models.
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Trading Honda Pilot or CRV for 2012 Subaru Impreza or Outback
Ken has no one brought out small diesel pickup?
The sad irony of that whole idea is that the very Goobermint that should be encouraging the expanded use of existing technology like diesels is instead passing 'clean air' legislation that actually prohibits the manufacturers from selling their more fuel efficient models here.
There was a great uproar a few years back when Volkswagen announced there would be no diesels in it's lineup because of the overly stringent CARB regulations.
Best of luck.
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Trading Honda Pilot or CRV for 2012 Subaru Impreza or Outback
Ken has no one brought out small diesel pickup? You were looking for one right? I have been surprised to learn Honda and Toyota are not any better and not as good and Ford and Chevy is now in some models.
I was interested in looking at Mahindra. They were supposed to bring a diesel mid-size pickup to the states. There have been so many broken promises, missed schedules, pissed off dealers and lawsuits that it may never happen. Even if it did their announced prices for a new (to the states) brand, unknown quality, and unknown support network were extremely high so I wrote off that idea.
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Trading Honda Pilot or CRV for 2012 Subaru Impreza or Outback
Dennis, have you looked at the Honda Ridgeline? The only model Honda I have ever heard run or sat in is the Civic but the Ridgeline is rated very high but price on that is also very high from on line info only.
I have determined that for the bulk of my usage I don't like or need a open back like a pickup. I own a 4 foot by 8 foot trailer that I use when I need to haul anything where a pickup would be needed. So I just need something that can take a trailer hitch. The trailer I have has the wheels in the center of the trailer bed so it almost impossible to backup with an SUV or car. But light enough when empty to move around by hand. I use this trailer with my Kubota for hauling firewood and debris around my property, a real work saver. With the tractor it is easy to back up as well
My 2010 Pilot and the Ridgeline are almost identical except for the open tail. It is my understanding that the Ridgeline will be eliminated from Honda's lineup very soon. The US market appetite for big transformer type vehicles has declined to such a low level that it makes them unprofitable.
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Trading Honda Pilot or CRV for 2012 Subaru Impreza or Outback
I've always believed that tires are so under-estimated in the area of traction that it's laughable.
I also believe that the term "all season" should not be allowed to be used on tires sold north of Atlanta Georgia.
That said, I have had several large rear-wheel drive sedans in the past, mostly V12 European makes. I always had them on 4 really top-drawer snow tires for the winter. They would routinely go places a 4WD on 'all-season' tires couldn't. When going to my cottage I routinely drove through snow deep enough I had to have the wipers on to clear the snow coming up over the hood off the windshield.
I also have a good friend who has a long commute, about 60 miles one way, through snowy countryside. He drives, and has for years, a Volkswagen Golf equipped with top-notch snow tires, same deal, he goes where 4WD's on 'all-seasons' don't dare to.
Best of luck.
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Trading Honda Pilot or CRV for 2012 Subaru Impreza or Outback
Didn't know if you would ever consider a Ford. They are doing some interesting things with the Eco-Boost system. If you go to their website under SUV's and Crossovers you will see a new Ford Escape is coming in the Spring that has been downsized as a 2013 model. It has an I-4 1.6L Eco-Boost that is yet unrated. I guessing in a 4X4 model it will have atleast a highway mileage rating of 32 mpg. Guessing it will have the power of a 2.5-3.0L engine.
They are now also offering a 2.0L I-4 Eco-boost in the Explorer that has a 28 mpg rating but doesn't indicate if that is for a 4x4 model or 4x2. The Explorer platform is a fairly large vehicle by today's standard.
In the F150 series 1/2 ton pickups, the V-6 Eco-boost has really taken off and has more power than some smaller V-8's and matches the performance of a 6.0L V-8 with better mileage.
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Trading Honda Pilot or CRV for 2012 Subaru Impreza or Outback
So far I have found that the Subaru dealers look at me like I am from Siberia when I present them with my Honda Pilot as a trade. They wanted to give me below wholesale... and then jack the sales price of the Subaru from dealer invoice back to MSRP. Just not working.
This has forced me to go back to Honda,as they seem to look favorably on recent model trade ins on Hondas in excellent condition. I just no longer need anything as big as a Pilot, I need less 8 passenger cars and more little cars now that my two teens are driving age.
I have a deal on a CRV, but they are still trying to locate one as cars are in short supply still after the tsunami in Japan.
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Trading Honda Pilot or CRV for 2012 Subaru Impreza or Outback
That's too bad about the Subaru dealers. The Portland, OR metro area is Subarus biggest sales market in the US. The dealers here are very competitive and have been easy to deal with. In a small market it might be they just don't have to deal.
I've been thinking of dumping my Tacoma and getting something else. The Toyota dealer will give huge trade-in value towards another Toyota but dealers of other brands won't come close on trade-in credit. If I do this I'll just sell it outright and save $2k+ over trade-in anywhere.
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Trading Honda Pilot or CRV for 2012 Subaru Impreza or Outback
Dennis, no idea about there but dealers here attitude can vary a lot in say 80 miles. Not just autos but also with tractors.
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