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On the lemon law buy backs..based upon what happened here with a GM dealership and it was one of a few on a national TV show a few years ago...
On this tv show (one of the new's types) they did not tell the new buyers.
My opinion - you will find the lemon law vaires from state to state more than you think. There may be a requirement to "crush them" in one but in another at most they must tell the next buyer it's history.
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So, if they crush them a CarFAX report is irrelevent since the VIN is dead. What would a CarFAX report look like on an uncrushed lemon? Would it say "buyback" or would it just show a sale to the dealer with a registration change? It wouldn't surprise me to find a dealer in a "crush" state shipping them off to a "don't have to crush" state.
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Since your last post I took a few minutes and did a search on the wonderful wide world web that Al Gore created.
It was easy to find all kind of sites for lemon law. One I clicked on Lemon Lawsuit.com said the laws vary widely from state to state and to search for your state.
The thing I found most comical was there is also a site for hang on, checking to see if the car you are buying was a lemon law car! So what does that tell us?
As to Katrina there was one major insurance company that promised to crush any auto they totalled out there. It would seem that would be a normal action if an auto was damaged bad enough to be totalled it would be. Not so per a national consumer radio program.
If I saw an insurance company's name on a title history I would steer away from it.
I think of lot of the purchasing of a used anything comes down to know the owner or meet the owner. If a dealer is worth a hoot they know who the owner was if local and will be willing to share that with you. MY OPINION HERE. I have had dealer ask me before is I minded them sharing my name and phone number with potential buyer. If I am asking for top dollar on a trade in and am telling truth why wouldn't I?
As to shipped in auto's, well there is a reason they were shipped in, correct?
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kthompson, agree with everything you said but I was specifically wondering how a lemon-law car would show up on a CarFAX report. The carfax web site says this:
Lemon File
Many states across the country have Lemon Laws to protect consumers from buying a bad car. A full CARFAX Report can help you avoid these problem cars
But the words "can help you avoid these problem cars" are weasel words. It doesn't say something concrete like "cars that are bought back on lemon laws will be indicated on a carfax report".
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I think this gets back to a saying I first heard with diamonds, if you don't know diamonds be sure you know the seller.
Either you can trust the seller or my opinion you should not trust the seller even with a Carfax or any other report.
Even with laws and contracts, no company is any better than their own morals.
This makes me wonder about a site for "Dealers I no longer deal with and why". To be fair there are buyers that are not honest either.
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AV8R - What happened to the vision of an all diesel garage?
ie. Jeep Liberty Diesel is not a Jeep Grand Cherokee.
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