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 12-05-2005, 21:14 Post: 120472

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Does anyone out there have a carfax going right now?

I need to run a Jeep Grand Cherokee.

PM me or EM me if you don't want to make it public knowledge and to get the vin number I need checked.


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 01-01-2006, 15:23 Post: 122099

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Beware of Clean CarFax! I looked at two vehicles for sale that each had a Clean CarFax and both vehicles had been hit in the Driver's door and repainted.
CarFax is a good starting point, but let your eyes and hands tell you for sure. Look for vin# tags on major components such as doors, trunk, hood. Look for signs of overspray and feel edges of body panels for roughness. Everything from the factory was smooth.

Beware of flooded vehicles from Katrina.

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 01-01-2006, 20:45 Post: 122109

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Thanks Boomer. I used to to a bit of body work, so your advice is a good reminder.

Anyway, the car now lives in my garage. Other than going back to get an alignment and some other minor front end work, she's gonna be a good runner (and alot cheaper than new!).

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 01-07-2006, 15:30 Post: 122379

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Car Fax only works if the mechanic/shop records the work.
It does not cover "backyard repairs".
IMHO It is a joke! A feel good sales pitch for used vehicals.

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 01-07-2006, 16:21 Post: 122385

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Before there was CarFax,

This is not fool proof but many auto insurance companies order reports on a vehicle to see claims paid before they insure a person new to them. Their report seems to be much of what I know of carfax reports.

If your auto insurance agent is willing to and able to run the report it did cost them 2 to 3 dollars if that. As already been said here does not pick up none insurance paid repairs. It was mostly bodyshop repairs also.

One thing I was always told is try to sell it under artificial light as the light rays often reflect different there than the natural light and will show the differences.


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 01-07-2006, 16:58 Post: 122390

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Say you find a deal on a car, run a CarFAX report, and find the car was licensed in New Orleans during hurricane Katrina, wouldn't you want to know that? But I think CarFAX makes people lazy. They rely on the report but forego a good physical inspection.

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 01-07-2006, 17:17 Post: 122391

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My main concern (and the only real value to CarFAX IMO) was to get the registration history. I was able to get that elsewhere and eventually purchased the car. I agree the repair reports would be nice if they were trustable, but they aren't. Too many loopholes.

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 01-08-2006, 06:09 Post: 122397

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My intention was to shed a different light on Carfax.
Some dealers really play it up,as if to say if it is not on the carfax it didn't happen.
My view was impressed upon me by an in-law of an in-law at a family gathering. He was a rather good size car dealer in the area and we were talking trucks. His exact words"Carfax are a joke" I think there may be dealers who make a so called "clean repair" and stick it out on the lot with a clean carfax.
Yes, the registration history is helpful, but I think it stops there.
Just some food for thought.
How many miles did you get on your Hog this year?

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 01-08-2006, 10:24 Post: 122404

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Anyone know what shows up on a CarFAX report when a vehicle is lemon-lawed? Anything? What happens to lemon-lawed vehicles anyway?

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 01-08-2006, 14:31 Post: 122406

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They get put in the crusher.

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