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Do all wheeel Drive AWD SUV s have AWD in Reverse
My 18 year old son came up with this one this morning. I was thinking of trying it out with my CRV on my black ice covered driveway with 9% grade this morning. But I did not want to list this experiment under the How did that happen thread.
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Do all wheeel Drive AWD SUV s have AWD in Reverse
Never thought about it but would guess there's the same drive system both ways.
Which brings up another point. On dry pavement I don't care how many wheels are powering me. But when climbing an icy hill, I want 4.
I've got my Jeep stuck when 4WD becomes 2WD -- both wheels on one side spinning uselessly. I wish vehicles had a clear designation for having the equivalent of limited-slip at both ends. All salespeople can talk about is color.
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Do all wheeel Drive AWD SUV s have AWD in Reverse
My 07 Silverado had the same in reverse as forward. I ordered it with rear limited slip so I had three wheel drive, I don't know if anyone offers a limited slip in the front axle.
You are correct when you say the sales person only talks about color. I remember going to the dealership with my Dad, first thing happened was the hood came up, the salesperson cold recite all the specs. and every feature under the hood. I doubt that today some salespersons would know which end the engine is in.
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Do all wheeel Drive AWD SUV s have AWD in Reverse
The wifes Rav does.
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Do all wheeel Drive AWD SUV s have AWD in Reverse
We have become a people of comfort over performance. Guess if you must be stuck somewhere best to be comfortable? Then not being stuck is much better!
On the limited slip rear end, my Tundra has one and not sure how much it helps. My full size Dodge, also had four wheel drive, but that limited slip did a very good job in 2 wheel drive and was one reason I did not buy 4 wheel drive on Tundra. I might add a mistake.
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Do all wheeel Drive AWD SUV s have AWD in Reverse
My Porsche has full time AWD (60% rear/40% front) in both directions. My driveway too has about a meaningful slope leading into the garage (I never measured the angle). We had recent ice storms in my part of KY, and after seeing my neighbor get her Focus stuck, I had a little trepidation over backing out of my garage. The car walked right over a lip of clear ice and uphill onto 3" of frozen slush. It's not black ice, but every bit as slippery. Reversed out of the driveway, thru the stuff the snow plow piled up, and onto the highway - with nary a wheel spin.
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