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 11-20-2003, 12:58 Post: 69183

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 Diamond tire chains

Anybody have any experience with the "easy to install" diamond tire chains for SUVs and pickups (like on tirechains.com)?

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 11-21-2003, 08:26 Post: 69244

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 Diamond tire chains

I have a set of those diamond cable things that stay in my 1/2-ton. The only time I've used them is when my neighbour dug his 1/2-ton down in some snow pack in his yard. I just laid the chains out flat in front of the rear wheels and dug down ahead of the tires so I could get the tires on to the ends of the chains. And, out came the truck without even having to mount the easy install chains. Worked pretty well I think but just don't stand behind the truck if doing it. I think real chains would be better but I really haven't needed snow tires around here and we get a bunch of snow.

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