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Jeep Liberty Diesel
I've ridden a diesel motorcycle, they're pretty difficult to get your head around.
You don't use the throttle to change your road speed, you shift gears.
It was exceptionally stable feeling to ride though, it had a flywheel that probably weighed as much as the average compact car, when it was spinning the centrifugal force made the bike feel like it was sitting on 4 wheels instead of just 2.
Best of luck.
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Jeep Liberty Diesel
I don't think I want a motorcycle that won't wheelie. Then again, popping the clutch with that big flywheel spinning would probably tend to pull the front up easily. And the extra stability from the flywheel would allow longer wheelies too. I could be a diesel squid!
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Jeep Liberty Diesel
My buddy used to have a Honda with a 5x2 trans in it. (CB900?)
Just imagine a turbo v-twin diesel with a "Road Ranger" 10-speed, blowin' black smoke out a 3" pipe, 240mm rear tire, fat boy front end, 5 gallon 'bobs, ... ! Hmmmm... I'll be in the garage if you need me.
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Jeep Liberty Diesel
AV8R, your description sounds interesting, but in most parts of the world where they look to motorcycles as a staple of transportation, economy is the driving factor, not performance.
The one I drove in Scandanavia was about 25hp if I remeber correctly, because of the torque & heavy flywheel it was definitely capable of some serious accelleration, provided you could shift it fast enough, .
However, the vast majority of diesel motorcycles are 'factory' frames with an air-cooled diesel implant. Most of them are in the 6 - 10 hp range. Probably the most common one is made in India, it is an Enfield 350 frame with a 6.5 hp Robin diesel engine. Oddly enough the call that model "The Bullet", mind you I think the only thing it could 'whiz past' would be a gas pump ... they get about 150 mpg !!
The other factor is purely one of adaptation, like in Australia where it may be a long way between places. The range of one of these things is incredible, and a simple motorcycle is a very dependable means of transport. Cheap long distance transport is often the deciding factor in even going.
As an aside, speaking of economy, there is an old timer I see every now & then in The Bahamas, he is a 'retired' merchant seaman. He built a traditional Bahamian wooden fishing boat when he first retired. He powered it with a 20 hp air-cooled diesel. After it was done he would go 'island hopping' with it, soon people were paying him take take stuff here & there in it. He thinks nothing of making trips of hundreds of miles in it, solo, on a regular basis. He routinely takes people from the outer islands to Cuba for free medical treatment.
This is a 30' open boat, with a 20 hp air cooled one cyclinder engine!!!!
As he puts it, "All it takes is a little time & fuel, I got lots of both!"
Best of luck.
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Jeep Liberty Diesel
Murf, you've got such neat stories! ;0)
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Jeep Liberty Diesel
An old Irish tradition.........
Sure beat watching TV as a kid sitting around the fireplace listening to the older folks telling us stories of the past.
Man I miss my grandfather.
Come to think of it, I think that old fart has the right idea, I know he thinks what we do in life is pretty crazy. He told me one time that an office, a telphone and a computer would kill a person. Not that I think he had anything to do with it, but I had a near fatal heart attack less than 2 years later.
Travel, it's the best education you will EVER get.
Best of luck.
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Jeep Liberty Diesel
Here we go!! TDI on 2 wheels!
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Jeep Liberty Diesel
200 ft lbs of torque!! Compare that to the 75 ft lbs put out by a 1200 cc Harley. The weight isn't unreasonable for a sport type bike either. It's only about 100 lbs heavier than a typical 1 liter replica racer. Maybe only 20 HP less too.
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