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06 07 4 Cyl 4WD Tacoma opinions wanted
The Ranger I am driving now is basically a Mazda.
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06 07 4 Cyl 4WD Tacoma opinions wanted
It looks like both Toyota and Nissan are folling in Ford's footsteps to buy junk engines to put in their pickups although both have put their heavy duty pickup introductions on hold. If they were smart, they would go with the 3.3 liter Cummin 4 cylinder or maybe even a John Deere 5030E 5 cylinder diesel. Ever since International came out with the 6.0 liter in the Ford trucks, I have avoided them. Their DT466 is a great engine but can't say the same for their 6.0.
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06 07 4 Cyl 4WD Tacoma opinions wanted
When I worked for FOMOCO 20 years ago, Ford made a Ranger pickup that had an available 59 HP 2.2L Mazda diesel. They couldn't give them away. It got over 40MPG highway. I'd love to have one now, but between the EPA and the auto manufacturers unwilling to take a risk, we won't see one any time soon. I'd pay a premium for a compact pickup with a small diesel in it...ARE YOU LISTENING Ford????
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06 07 4 Cyl 4WD Tacoma opinions wanted
In 1980 or 81 I bought a Datsun pickup with about 60 hp diesel. Only drove it about 80k and sold it. Only problem with engine was it could not swim. Seems they put the air intake about 10 inches lower on the diesel than the gas.
The engine did a great job for me. Mileage was in the 32 or so range. Did pull a trailer with a Ford 601 tractor and rotary cutter. Way overloaded. That is when I learned about springs and brakes and such on tow vechile.
Now the body, a bean can was stronger.
As to the engines in Toyota Tundra, my 2004 will pull very well and runs great. I am very pleased with it.
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06 07 4 Cyl 4WD Tacoma opinions wanted
Blueman, diesel engine technology has come a long way in the last 20 years. My brother worked in the transportation department at a major utility company. Years ago they used to joke that diesel engines were an excellent way to turn perfectly good diesel fuel into smoke and noise. They don't joke about that much anymore.
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06 07 4 Cyl 4WD Tacoma opinions wanted
K, I couldn't agree with you more, I owned a VW TDI that was quiet, efficient, and if you consider the CO put out getting 45-50 MPG, I would even call it "Green". But you will notice, that even though VW never had to offer incentives on their TDI's, they can't import them this year with the change to the new fuel. I will be surprised if Ford or GM offer a diesel in a compact, or even a 1/2 ton pickup within the next year or two. I'm certain they would sell, and I would be one of the first buyers!
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06 07 4 Cyl 4WD Tacoma opinions wanted
The Germans accepted a military defeat at the end of WWII while Hitler was the cause and many of his followers spent prison time for their attrocities. The Japanese accepted a military defeat but culturally never accepted this. They intended to defeat the entire world's economy instead, however long it took. Things were going good for them until a few years ago when other 3rd world countries began to produce goods cheaper than them. Their economy has suffered since. The Japanese are elitists that feel they are superior to other races. They by culture will steal the socks off anyone including family members even when they are bowing and smiling. This holds true for most of the Pacific Rim cultures.
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06 07 4 Cyl 4WD Tacoma opinions wanted
Randy, even though it's out of the budget I went to Edmunds dot com to look at the Dodge 2500. What's with the body styles? It looks like they don't even offer an extended cab anymore, only a regular cab and a quad cab (and something called a mega-cab which looks like a quad cab to me unless edmunds screwed up the pics).
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06 07 4 Cyl 4WD Tacoma opinions wanted
The Dodge 2500 trucks that had the extended cab like you are thinking about were manufactured from 1998 to 2002. In 2003, there was a new body style change and 4 full doors became the new Quad cab, then came the Mega Cab in 2005. My truck is a 2002 and it has the suicide type doors for the rear seat. Not a lot of room back there but, 3 people can squeeze in. I bought the 2002 model because it was the last year made in this body style and the engines from 2003 on up are common rail diesel. The older generation 24 valve Cummins diesels have a few problems of their own such as the fuel lift pump, but that can be remedied with a few reasonably price mods.
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06 07 4 Cyl 4WD Tacoma opinions wanted
I've got the '03 Ram with the H.O. Cummins, 4x, and quad cab with "normal" non-suicide doors. I've slept in the rear seat lying down in a fetal position when I had to.
I looked at the the Mega cab---oh--my--gawd---the space is unbelievable! The seats fold down into a bed! And there is storage space BEHIND and UNDER the seats too!
I haven't had one probelm with mine in 3-and-a-half years enginewise. The front suspension, well that's a different story. I had a snow plow and that chewed up about $3000 in warranty work on front rotors, bearings, tie rod ends and upper and lower ball joints. Yikes! But now that I'm a redneck...er..."rankee" (copyright) (that's one part redneck, 10 parts yankee) and sold the plow--I should get a lot of wear out of her now.
Also, if you plan on driving/buying an '02 and later 4x Ram look for a loose or worn out track bar. About $120 (used to be $400)---it keeps th chassis in line with the front axle, and when loose the truck will wander all over the road. I'd saty away from any lifted 4x too as the lift usually makes the track bar wear out faster, unless it was done properly. Some Jeeps use the same set up, and some Jeep Cherokees have one in front and back.
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