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06 07 4 Cyl 4WD Tacoma opinions wanted
The size of that quad cab is way bigger than I want, which pretty much leaves Dodge out. If the Tacoma is bigger than I want any full size would be too big. I'm curious to know how many 4 cylinder Tacoma owners wish they had opted for the six. Another advantage of the four is that it has a timing chain, not belt, so no 60k timing belt changes will be needed.
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06 07 4 Cyl 4WD Tacoma opinions wanted
A friend of mine has a Tacoma quad cab 4 x 2 with 6 cylinder with super-charger. He likes it and said mileage is in the low 20's but uses premium gas. Personally, I don't care for it and am not impressed with the interior, etc. Must admit my bias against it though!
The super-charger is working nearly all of the time during acceleration and has a whining noise similar to the noise in your 4 x 4 transfer case when in low range. You can't hear the radio then and most of the time without the volume being quite loud.
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06 07 4 Cyl 4WD Tacoma opinions wanted
Have you looked at Mitsubishi and Mazda? Just driving by their lots I think they offer the compact pickup. Have no idea on engines. Have no idea on price or quality.
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06 07 4 Cyl 4WD Tacoma opinions wanted
KT, the Mitsubishi is basically the same truck as a Dodge Dakota. Since the local Mitsubishi dealer went belly-up a year or two ago I'd go with Dodge for that truck, but it gets pretty poor mileage and mediocre consumer ratings. The Mazda is the same as a Ford Ranger (which is what I'm getting rid of).
Yooper, that's not a factory supercharger is it? I didn't see that on the option sheets. I know what you mean about interiors. Our Toyota Highlander has non-intuitive funky controls and terrible seats. The seats are so bad that I'm looking at aftermarket replacements, but that's hard because of the built-in side airbags. Tacoma's seats are much better (I wonder if those would fit into the Highlander? Hmmm.)
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06 07 4 Cyl 4WD Tacoma opinions wanted
Toyota Racing sells dealer installed superchargers.
It might be an attractive option if one lived in Leadville, CO
Not sure how much boost one would get at sea level.
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06 07 4 Cyl 4WD Tacoma opinions wanted
As far as I know it is a factory super-charger. His truck is several years old. I'm going to see him tomorrow at lunch and will quiz him.
Here in Michigan, Cheverolet is selling some 2007 "Plain Jane" 1/2 ton pickups. Some 4x2's with regular cabs, 6 cylinders, no power doors locks nor windows are selling new for $11,400.00. They also sell some in 4x4 for slightly more.
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06 07 4 Cyl 4WD Tacoma opinions wanted
A flying buddy of mine built himself the ultimate truck, but then he has his own machine shop too.
He bought a low mileage Toyota that was an insurance write-off, it was stolen and stripped. Mind you all they took to make it a write-off was the airbags, seats and wheels and rims.
He then sold the engine and tranny for more than he paid for the whole truck, then he implanted a VW diesel from a TDI Jetta that had been rear-ended while parked on the side of the road. The driver had run it out of fuel on the highway and was thumbing it for some fuel when it got hit.
He had some screwing around to make up things like mounts and bell housing, but he did it just fine. I believe he said it has the 5 speed out of a late 80's Toyota diesel p/up and the gears in the diff. were swapped out, again I think they are from another Toyota, maybe TRD special stuff??
At any rate, he sure is happy with what he ended up with.
Best of luck.
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06 07 4 Cyl 4WD Tacoma opinions wanted
The whining sound from the supercharger can probably be interpreted as either noise or music to your ears. After I turbocharged my VW Scirocco in 1980 the sound of the turbo spooling up really got the adrenaline going.
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06 07 4 Cyl 4WD Tacoma opinions wanted
KW, Mitsubishi is basically the same truck as a Dodge Dakota.
I did not know that.
I had a Dakota a few years ago and it was all Dodge, at least the best I knew. I got very good service from mine, V 6 with 5 sp manual.
I did know Mazda made the Ranger years ago, but things change.
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06 07 4 Cyl 4WD Tacoma opinions wanted
Murf is there no small diesel commercial truck sold in NA? I know we discussed the Hino's a while back, but it seem they are just selling 8 ton and up now. I can not see the Daihatsu's sold legal here, but is there other makes that have slipped in? This might be an option for Ken.
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