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Tundra needs sterioids
They sound like wackos. I don't understand why they just don't have you sign a release and take your money.
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Tundra needs sterioids
Mark, what is the GCVWR for your Tundra? That may be what the limiting factor is. If the trailer exceeds this rating, I bet the rental guys are afraid of being sued if you have an accident. In this sue happy country we live, can you blame them.
I bet your Tundra could do just fine with a tandem axle trailer just as long as you did not get too carried away with the weight. I can tell you from my experience pulling a load of fire wood in my 14' Ja Mar tandem axle that it gets pretty heavy. Probably approaching at least 8500 lbs. or more with wood stacked even with the top of the trailer sides (about 24" high). The weight can really fool you. I can definitely feel the weight back there even with my Cummins powered Ram 2500. The dump trailer does make life VERY pleasant. ......... try loading and then unloading & stacking a 2 cord trailer load. Takes forever! The guy I cut firewood with is gonna be working on building a dump trailer for next year.
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Tundra needs sterioids
I agree with Mark and Ken. These guys sound like wackos and for me it would be time to find a new rental place. I will bet that they would not hesitate to rent me a jack hammer if I was digging next to a gas line.
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Tundra needs sterioids
Good point Mike! ! Was just presenting the devil's advocate option. Should not make any difference what truck you have within reason as long as you bring the trailer back in original condition.
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Tundra needs sterioids
The other point to consider is something we call the "full rule". The problem is it is far to tempting to fill something to capacity, whether it's our stomachs, trucks or a rented trailer.
If in this case we do a little thumbnail calculating here's the way it looks from the rental yards point of view. Let's say a dump trailer has a box which is 7' wide, 12' long and 4' deep (including side boards), that is 336 cubic feet, or the equivalent of a little more than 2.5 cords.
I don't know about the wood in your neck of the woods, but around here green hardwood is about 4 tons a cord. At that rate the trailer full would be about 10,000 pounds, if the trailer weighed another 2,000 pounds we're now up to a 6 ton load.
Things add up fast, I don't know how often I've seen a 1/2 ton with fresh cut wood heaped up above the box rails and the rear bumper almost dragging on the blacktop.
Best of luck.
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Tundra needs sterioids
I guess that my problem is that I don't want to see the yard's point of view. I want them to tell me if they have what I want, tell me how much it costs, make me sign the forms giving up all of my rights to sue them and entitling them to sue me into oblivion for scratching their trailer, hook the damn thing up and let me get on my way. If they cannot do business that way, I will move on.
Randy, there was no offense intended and apparently none taken. I must be getting old and curmudgeonly. These rental guys would drive me right up the wall.
I see such things as the retirement of common sense. We have zero tolerance policies because administrators cannot use common sense to make a decision or are afraid of making any decision that might offend anyone. We have political correctness because so many people define themselves in special interest groups that someone is always going to be offended by anything that you say or by the way they interpreted an extrapolated meaning. Soon, I will have to rent an 8 ton trailer and a UniMog to carry my CUT to make sure that I don't overload the thing.
I know that I have had 4000# of steel plate in the back of my GMC 2500. You don't even get to the top of the wheelwells for that much steel. The rear end was low, but I took it easy, drove slow, and did not make any fast turns. To me this is basic common sense. I may have been pushing the limits when I put a Bridgeport Mill in the back of my old Toyota SR5, but again I drove slow, and the hardest thing was getting the mill out, not getting it to its destination.
Off topic, I know. I still think that Mark should be able to rent any trailer that he can reasonably pull behind his Tundra and the rental yard should not be making "marginal" calls or defining hard rules based on US brand trucks and designation numbers. I bought my own 2 axle 10K trailer. I have guys with CUTs that want to borrow it to move their tractors; probably because they couldn't get one from the rental yard. 
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Tundra needs sterioids
I guess some of the confusion at the rental yard is our terminology.
I had always called a 1/2 ton pickup and thought that was its payload. Older pickup were close to that and Chevy offered the C10 in a full size. The new NA trucks are all at least 1500 lb payloads, F150, C15, D1500. My Ford F150 with the tow package would tow 8000lbs I believe.
What he is really looking for is a ton and a quarter 2500 lb. load rated pick up.
My Ram 3500 has a payload that is closer to 4000 lbs.
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Tundra needs sterioids
No offense taken Mike. I think in this day and age of sue happy people and too many lawyers they may have the same fear a bar tender has. It is the drunks responsibility not to drive after drinking, NOT the bar tender's. I suppose perhaps they may have been sued already. You never know. I agree with you on the abdication of personal responsibility in this country. People are suing McDonalds for getting fat eating there for Pete sakes!!!! 
Back to the wood and trailer. If you just fill up the trailer just below the tops of the sides with wood; you are gonna have a HEAP of wood and a LOT of weight. Hope you don't have to go far or up many hills. That can really be tough on the tranny. Just have to make sure you distribute the wood's weight evenly in the trailer and keep the tongue weight reasonable.
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Tundra needs sterioids
Mark, I think if you showed up in that "Power Man's Truck", I bet you can take anything on the lot. I think that is when I would tell him, I'm taking my business to his competitors.
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Tundra needs sterioids
Mark I think that Toyota Motor Corp. might be interested to know how their vehicles are regarded by this rental firm. I think it might be interesting to write a letter to them outling your experience and see what happens.
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