New Concept truck I want one
There's no cozying with your sweety in that thing. Bench seats are good for something.
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New Concept truck I want one
Sorry Guys, I'm a die-hard American and will only buy American brand products when they are available. Trucks and cars are about the only thing left. If farmers hold out for another penny, we import food too. We're a nation of middle men and hamburg flippers.
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New Concept truck I want one
Last time I checked, Indiana and Texas were still in America.
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New Concept truck I want one
I agree that domestic automakers have a long way to go quality wise, and I won't be buying another Ford or GM anytime soon if I can help it. But the Toyota Corolla we had in the late 80's didn't impress me much either. It had some of the most boneheaded engineering of any vehicle I've owned. For example, the front wheel bearings were NOT sealed and could not be removed and packed without removing the steering knuckles and having the bearings pressed. So they'd go out every 20k miles and it would take a day to remove the knuckles, take them down to get new bearings pressed in, and then reassembly. I could do this in 30 minutes on most vehicles. Didn't impress me much.
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New Concept truck I want one
Ya, when you work for them, you get to wear a gray uniform with some Jap stuff written on it that you don't understand. Chances are it says: "I am a dummy". You then must bow to someone every morning first thing before you start working when you are in your group brain washing meeting. Every position is managed by a Japanese transplant who grins and chuckles to himself or his peers everytime an American worker is near. They never gave up on WWII and we're to dumb to realize it. The profits go back to Japan so they can then dump some more product in this country and wipe out another sector of business and our economy.
Sorry, I just got started and already bleeped out the bad stuff-It gets allot worse!
Our only gratification is knowing that when their Stateside duty is up and they need to rotate back home, the wives don't want to go back and be subservient citizens again. The kids eat decent food and grow to be 6' tall and don't fit through the 5' tall doorframes, need new beds and kitchen counter redos because they are too low.
Funny thing is, they can pay American workers the same basic wage and pay for ten times the advertising costs and still sell for less. Most of the base raw materials and tooling comes from Japan. I don't and won't consider it American!
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New Concept truck I want one
Where else can you RANT + Rave anomalously(look it up)
for twenty bucks a year? I love this country.
I will bet my old 69 1/2 ton 4wd chevy 6 cyl 4 spd.
is still going!
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New Concept truck I want one
Grinder you deviant character...
My '98 F150 has 170K miles and working on another 100K. I have NEVER had any work done on it besides oil/filters, brakes, and tires (oh, and coolant/spark plug replacement at 100K). I still never have to add oil between 5000 mi changes.
It is by far the best, most reliable vehicle I've ever owned.
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New Concept truck I want one
Yooper, you're probably mostly right, and you know who you have to thank for it?
Gen. MacArthur, the guy who rebuilt Japan and it's economy.
So next time you see Japan's economy bulldozing over someone else's, think just one thing, Japan's economy was MADE IN AMERICA.
Best of luck.
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New Concept truck I want one
Even a blind squirel finds an acorn once in a while.
"deviant" departing from the norm.
Haven't been called that lately, but
it is accurate.
Good luck with your truck. It was nice to hear
one good american made comment.
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New Concept truck I want one
I wonder if all the American trucks that roll up those big miles have manual transmissions?
Or if they are automatics, whether they ever tow or haul heavy loads.
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