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Northern Maine is JD Country - New Pix by NorthernMainer
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Subject: Northern Maine is JD Country!.
Description: 3203 with 90" Fisher Quick Switch
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Northern Maine is JD Country - New Pix by NorthernMainer
I know you people are tough and can handle the weather at least the cold, better than us thin blooded southerns, but man, what an ad for a cab! kt
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Northern Maine is JD Country - New Pix by NorthernMainer
Oh come on Kenneth, the sun was out, that was a nice day!!
Best of luck.
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Northern Maine is JD Country - New Pix by NorthernMainer
Oh come on Kenneth, the sun was out, that was a nice day!!Best of luck.
Looks like the wind was not a factor either. Guess my mistake. Naw, that is why God had me born here. kt
As I sent the first part I did think of advantage you have: last Saturday one of my son in laws handled a snake and the other and I cut up tree with live wasp in it. Good for all of us it was still cool (mid 60's) and neither had the suns warmth yet. BTW, there is one less snake and about a dozen less wasp than a week ago.
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Northern Maine is JD Country - New Pix by NorthernMainer
Well to be honest even though I was born and brought up here in N Maine . I spent most of my adult life flying up in ALASKA , so this certainly isnt that cold! I do have a new fiberglass canopy for the tractor and will probably get a canvas cab to pull down over the canopy for next winter; just to keep the wind off, but dont want it on there in the summer; but I just cant see $4-7000 of value in any Cab; I have looked at . They must be making a killing on them; as there sure isnt much to them; and they want a fortune for them????
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Northern Maine is JD Country - New Pix by NorthernMainer
You would be amazed how popular they are here. Some for the winter and some for the summer heat. When you get to 100 hp up tractors many are cab tractors.
Sometimes I disk fields at night. It is such at great place of worship with the sky overhead and listening to God critters ever over the tractors engine or just watching them as the headlights catch them now and then.
Then I get in the field on a hot sunny day of about 100 degrees with not a cloud in the sky and think, boy air sure would be nice. kt
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