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 12-13-2001, 20:26 Post: 33803

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 Blown on insulation costs about blew my mind

Just received an estimate from a local company that sprays insulation on the walls of buildings such as mine and had quite the shock. Almost five thousand dollars for the whole barn minus doors and windows. That estimate was for only and inch and a half thick. I need to conduct a search for a more reasonably priced product for now, to enable me to finish the shop area. Perhaps down the road I can afford to have the storage area done with the blown on type as the budget allows. Any ideas what might work the best for this application? I am no expert when it comes to these things, but would like a good product when completing this work.

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 12-13-2001, 20:55 Post: 33804

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 Blown on insulation costs about blew my mind

cutter what type of building do you have.

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 12-15-2001, 08:09 Post: 33831
bud in oh.

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 Blown on insulation costs about blew my mind

Cutter, I just had my shop, barn, insulated with NU-WOOL blown insulation they mix water and glue to make it stick to the walls. My total area with the ceiling is a little over 3000 sq.ft. it cost me $3100. and gave me R-27 in the walls and R-44 in the ceiling. The walls are over kill but they have to fill the entire cavity and my walls are 7 1/2" thick,right now I am just heating it with a kerosene heater but I have tubing in the floor for heat and I would like to go with geo-thermal but hve to wait til next year as my funds are funded dry right now. budinohio.

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 12-15-2001, 08:37 Post: 33832

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 Blown on insulation costs about blew my mind


This place has quoted me prices all over the spectrum. Do it now and pay in cash and save 10%. I have to provide 100 amp. service or there is an extra charge. The building is sectioned off into a 20 x 40 shop and a 40 x 40 storage by a wooden wall that is not included in the price. Yet the two halve are within two hundred bucks of each other in insulation cost. Doesn't make any sense. He quoted me by the square foot, so I am going to do some calculating today. Once the five doors and two windows and sky lights are removed, it seems the price would vary much more between the two rooms. My per foot prices are at the office, but I believe it was around 1.00 per for 2" thick and 79 cents per for 1.5 " thick. That was before my do it now with cash discount.

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 12-15-2001, 12:43 Post: 33834
bud in oh.

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 Blown on insulation costs about blew my mind

Cutter,my barn is 42'x48' and is all shop it has 10' side walls and the ceiling is 11'9" to the peak it cost me $600. more to go with the NU-WOOL rather than 6"fiberglass bats but the R-values are more than twice that of bats and barn is sealed tight around wires and anything else inside the wall. You should find out how high the R-values are for gold because I think that is the type of insulation these people you talked are using. What kind of R-values are they quoting you, also what type of insulation are they really using? I don't know where you are located but you should maybe try to get a price on the NU-WOOL insulation. budinohio.

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 12-15-2001, 13:10 Post: 33835

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 Blown on insulation costs about blew my mind

I am in NY. The type of insulation eludes me at the moment, I have the spec sheet at the office. There is a disclaimer form with it that states it must have a mimimum of .5" drywall over it due to it's propensity to burn. My shop area is 20x40 with 14' ceilings. The ceiling is insulated with fiberglass. There are two 3x5 windows, a 9x9 door and one entrance door in the room. One 40' length of wall is an interrior studded type and will be covered with fiberglass. So I calculate the area to be just over 1000 sq. ft...Something is awry with the estimates. The 1.5" should have cost around 800 dollars for the shop area. The place is a bit too high pressure and anxious, not to mention way off in thier quote.

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 12-16-2001, 09:21 Post: 33853

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 Blown on insulation costs about blew my mind

It sounds like getting an estimate from another contractor might be good. I've found that deals that sound confusing often don't turn very good--at least for me the purchaser. I concluded long ago that often it’s not my understanding that’s the problem.

I know that in the city, contractor estimates (if you could even get them) often were highly variable even from the same company. It just depended on how much a contractor wanted to work. There's usually a spread between the contractor's material prices and what they charge customers. If the work is very slow, the spread as well as labour rates will be cut just to keep busy. Some contractors will bid a job at loss during slow times just to keep a crew together. If the work is heavy, a contractor may bid high. If the bid is accepted and they're full up, they'll just sub-contract it. A person could end up with a start-up crew that barely knows how to lace up their boots.

At least in the city, people can get good deal by waiting for slack times to do work. It's hard to get a deal on a septic system during the summer and hard to get a roofing deal in the late fall. Around here, you have to know when the trucking guy does the Township work—he’ll tell you though.

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 12-20-2001, 14:26 Post: 33935

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 Blown on insulation costs about blew my mind

I may be a little late in this discussion but hopefully you can learn from my mistakes. I have a barn 40x60 that I am working on, along with a house. I purchased rolled insulation off of the net as I thought it was a good deal and phoned Bay Insulation. I ended up paying for my miscalculation of footage off the net. The Bay truck delivered the insulation. Anyways material from Bay for my barn is ~ 2000$ R19+. Bay specializes in Insulation for metal barns. The material I got has a reflective polyester layer and fiber glass.
I recently completed a geothermal system, for my house. I purchased a unit from Canada and installed it myself. With the exchange I saved a lot on the unit and was able to install myself rather than having a airconditioning company. I saved 1/2 to 1/3. For your work I would think it would be realitively easy.
Have you considered an outside wood burner? I have one which was coonnected to the old house and is now connected to the pool. They are relatively easy to maintain and provide a large BTU and are placed on a thermostat. I find I have enough wood dropping that I need some way of getting rid of it.
Email me if you want more info.

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 01-12-2002, 11:43 Post: 34474
Gary in Indiana

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 Blown on insulation costs about blew my mind

Cutter, I'm assuming you're talking about the spray foam insulation. I know the cost on that is outrageous as I looked into having my 80 x70 barn done. Fortunately, I found that a guy who owes me money works for a company that does that so I'm getting the labor "free" in one sense now. The dead cost of the material itself is still going to run me into the thousands but I'm going far thicker than just an inch, too. ;o)

One thing he did tell me was that the hotter it is when you do this, the better the insulation will be. Apparently the stuff expands far better the hotter the ambient air temperature is. My plan then, for what it's worth, is to suffer through the rest of this season and buy my materials at the end of season pricing then have it done in August when the temps are in the nineties. He told me the same amount of material can go twice as far (or, obviously, twice as thick) at 90 degrees versus 50 degrees.

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