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 01-10-2002, 11:19 Post: 34402

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 Tougue and Groove House Building

When discussing the chains on Ice for Bruce we got off topic and discussed installation of tougue and groove ceilings. It seems many of us are also building houses. Kent found my address and kindly sent me a picture of his ceiling work.
We are learning a number of tips that could help each other in construction.
There is a connection between construction and compact tractors as my tractor is an idispensible tool for the construction of the house. My house construction was the result of a lightning strike on Dec 23 two years ago. We used the tractor first for the disposal of the house and garage remains then moving lumber etc. My equipment trailer is used attached to the tractor to move material around constantly in the rough and muddy area around the house.
As I cut channels through the field for ground based heat pump syatem the tractor has been used extensively for landscaping etc.

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 01-10-2002, 13:12 Post: 34405
Doug C.
2002-01-10 00:00:00
Post: 34405
 Tougue and Groove House Building

Thanks for your message. I am also just beginning the construction of a house, and have used that project to justify the purchase of my tractor. I think you just also justified the purchase of a utility trailer not only for transporting the tractor, but also for moving materials around, etc. I hope that others will share their experiences with tractor usage and home construction as well. So far, I have used my tractor (JD 4200) to remove dirt and rocks from the excavated site, and to clear areas for parking and vehicle turn around areas on my site. I also use it for repairing my temporary dirt driveway (about 900 ft. long).

-Doug C.

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 01-10-2002, 14:05 Post: 34407

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 Tougue and Groove House Building

This is a unique group that write in. I had to build a new house, due to the disaster. I had been around it enough to know, it was not something I would like to do while working at another job.
In the process I have become trained in insulated concrete block construction, stucco, design, plumping, wiring, ground based heat pumps, and general carpentry. All of which I had done a little bit before for myself and others but was not up to date.
If our expensive training helps someone else it is worth it. Mistakes can be costly and time consuming. So can ignorance.

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 01-10-2002, 23:37 Post: 34423
Tim Connolly

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 Tougue and Groove House Building

I've used the FEL on my TC 33D for decorating Christmas trees,hoisting deer,and hanging sheetrock (in a garage).
I'm not sure how I lived without it for so long!

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 01-12-2002, 20:48 Post: 34486
Gary in Indiana

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 Tougue and Groove House Building

Tim, I have to ask this. HOW did you use your tractor and FEL to hang drywall? I can understand carrying it but hanging it has me puzzled. ?<:-/

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 01-12-2002, 21:53 Post: 34488

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 Tougue and Groove House Building

Maybe Gary used his FEL in a similar fashion that I did, when I placed an attic stair (pull down type) in my shop. I cut the hole, didn't have help to raise it into place, so I put it on the bucket, and slowly lifted it up into the hole. Once in, I fastened it in place. Worked great, and did it alone. I can see doing drywall the same way, although I used a dry-wall lift which worked very well too. Now with forks for my JD4300 430 loader, the tasks I can do (and do) are almost unlimited. I also have used it three years in a row to bring the deer in out of the woods, and to hang it up for skinning and butchering. I also use the bucket for clearing trails in the woods. Reach up, hook a limb, and break it off the tree. Beats sawing it off (which I do if the tree is one I consider to be valuable in the future).

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 01-12-2002, 22:22 Post: 34489
Tim Connolly

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 Tougue and Groove House Building

I used it to hold the sheets in place while I started the screws on the upper part of the walls.
I just set the edge in the bucket and lifted it into place.
I'd get it close to where I wanted it then shut off the tractor and push the top edge into place ,set a few screws and move to the next one. It was great as I was working alone.
I don't think I'll be bringing it in to do the livingroom though!

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 01-13-2002, 00:00 Post: 34491
Gary in Indiana

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 Tougue and Groove House Building

OK, Tim, asked and answered. ;o) Thanks.

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