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The Green Fad
Is it just me, or is anybody else becoming increasingly annoyed with the latest "green" movements. I wanted to post something because every now and then here, an old post will be revived- and I'm wondering by starting a post now, if I might be able to look back on it in 5 or 10 years and say, "Wow, the world was suposed to be destroyed by now."
I am working at a new camp facility that was built "green". On Weds, I will begin switching out 1200 light fixtures that currently use compact flourecents because these lights are too costly to replace. (at the expense of the Texas Tax Payers.)
Anybody have thoughts on this?
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The Green Fad
I think it's pathetic, For some of the legislation that is requiring cars and trucks to meet certain standards for fuel and polution. I do believe we need to do something but a combo electric is close to tits on a boar hog!
Where do we get electric power from? Duh! The new fuels for the diesels, what a farce, Did they count on the additional gallons of fuel needed to be burnt to get the same job done!
Have you followed a car lately on the hills and smelled the rotton eggs?
Ya, I'm for PETA to, isn't that people for eating tasty animals?
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The Green Fad
If it's a fad it's probably bad. CFLs save some energy but cause waste disposal problems. Hybrid cars save some energy but cause waste disposal problems and pose electric shock issues for emergency personnel. Not cutting trees in our expansive forests lets the green crowd feel good about themselves while we import lumber from Canada and consume their forests. Most recycled electronics end up overseas where there are no health standards and the poor people there end up poisoned while we feel good about recycling. Yeesh, we're dumb.
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The Green Fad
I love this, has everyone forgot 8th grade science ? Earth was a large jungle before an asteroid hit it and dumped millions of tons of dirt into the atmosphere that cooled the Earth off so we would not become kibbles and bits for T-rex.
Or the tree hugger's do not want to admit that Mt. St. Helen, Hawaiian volcanoes and California forest fires dumped more CO2 and sulfuric acid into the atmosphere than the 150 years of man made machinery. Keep this in mind , MAN is the ONLY animal that puts out fires when they would have burned them selves out !!!!
OH YEAH, the compact light scam, none of mine have lasted the 7 years they say they do and it cost more to excersize the warranty than to by new ones at 4x the cost of a normal incandescent light bulb AND THEY STILL HAVE MERCURY in them, so much for being GREEN and environmentally friendly!!!! Costing more to just dispose of them !!!
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The Green Fad
I watched a show on Discovery or one of the science type channels about the future of hydrogen powered autos. It all sounded great about the lower emmisons and all till they described how our homes would have a hydrogen generator for you to fuel up your car overnight with hydrogen made form guess what, Natural Gas. So what is this doing to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels? Plus the latest guess on the cost to produce a hydrogen powered car was like 100K per car. We have gone a long way with wind turbines, and we are basicly ignoring the geothermal potential that is under places like Yellowstone that have enough free non poluting heat energy to serve us for years to come, but do we dare cross the path of a tree hugger or bunny hugger to get this free energy? Isn't it time we ignore these wackos and get going with something that makes sense for a change? I don't know if trucks and farm equipment could be battery powered off the grid with the free geothermal or free wind power, but if just the autos and pickups were we could cut oil use by a bunch. Sorry if I ruffled any "Green Feathers", but I too am tired of all the BS about we don't dare cut a tree or spoil the nest of an owl or something to benefit our own well being. Frank.
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The Green Fad
Heres what I've got going on with the lights: 1200 light on the property that are of the CFL type. The camp was built 2 years ago. Light are supposed to last 6 years and save $40 worth of power durring those six years. 1000 lights already burned out and replaced, another 100 lights burned out and can not afford to be replaced. The cost? $52.50 to get a burned out light bulb back on! The cost of switching it over to incadescent? $3.75. So thats what I'm doing.
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The Green Fad
last post should have read: 100 lights already burned out, instead of 1000
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The Green Fad
I think the main problem is not the CFL themselves, but because of the cost (especially early on) of manufacturing them, and the resultant high retail price, a bunch of companies overseas started producing them with, "less than ideal quality in raw materials or manufacturing methods" to put it politely.
I got some GE bulbs made near here when they first came out, every one of them is still working. My neighbour bought some cheap ones at Wally World, made in a far off 'bicycle republic', he replaces them each several times a year.
It's the old adage, you get what you pay for.
Best of luck.
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The Green Fad
For me, it's not "You get what you pay for. At $52.50 a light, I should be buying myself the best f****** light bulb on the planet. When it's less expensive to change the fixture rather than changing te bulb, that's a problem.
This is simply not the sacrafice that I am prepared to make for "Mother Earth".
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The Green Fad
Ok, maybe I missed something, what kind of light bulb costs $52.50 a piece?
Even our big mercury & sodium vapour yard lights are only about half of that.
Maybe your light bulb supplier is taking you for a ride....
Or else they put the wrong bulbs in the wrong sockets. CFL's include a small ballast at their base, if the fixture doesn't allow enough air flow to them they will burn up in no time. Most manufacturers are pretty good at labeling fixtures and bulbs though, too much heat could cause a fire. Check, maybe the problem is the fixtures themselves.
Best of luck.
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