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Geothermal heating cooling
You definitly got a drag of a system. Waterfurnace blew it too.
After hearing about everyone who had bad problems, I was hesitent until I saw many good, identical systems running, in my area. (less than 2 mile radius). We may all be getting hosed, but I went to see identical systems to the one I selected before I did so, running in the same area. My other recouse is that being radiant based for the heat, if it's really screwed up, I just put in a boiler and slave to the propane gods.
I guess I've done my "homework", and ultimatly, I'll still be in the hands of my dealer/installer.
My contract ties the last 20% of their payment to the successful performance of their system for a 9 month period. I figure it's at least a little incentive for them to make sure the system runs right and I'm going to run it hard then, cooking the moisture out of my concrete slabs. ![Smile Smile](../../ctb/images/smileA.gif)
However, I owe my backround knowledge and healthy does of skepticism to John and Ken. Thanks for sharing your experiences guys, because it helps all of us be better consumers. When I interviewed my HVAC guys, I came loaded for Bear, and one contractor really stood out over the others when I started lobbing the tough questions.
Thanks again,
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Geothermal heating cooling
You could use the geothermal for radiant floor as well. Use a geothermal desuperheater to heat the water in a hot water tank with a propane burner, and feed the radiant floor system from there. The propane can be used to bring the water up to temp if it's a little cool and as an auxiliary heat source during power outages. I'm looking at doing something similar when I add radiant floor heat to our main floor. The intention is to use cool well water to help cool the house in the summer, too, using heat exchangers of course to protect the potable supply.
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Geothermal heating cooling
Wondering if anyone from this thread being an old one could share their long term joys and or disappointments with their alternative energy experience? Even with the lower oil prices it still adds up to huge chunk of change.
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Geothermal heating cooling
I installed a geothermal system in the house some 10'ish years ago to replace an aging forced air oil system. In my case I'm located in a broad river valley and the water table is between 36" - 40" below grade so wells were shallow and cheap.
Up until the spike in electricity rates beginning a couple of years ago it was a screaming good deal. Now it's probably lost about half of it's advantage, but that still makes it very cost-effective.
I wouldn't hesitate to do it all over again and in fact am planning a hybrid of forced air and in-floor radiant geothermal and wood-burning system in the new house I'm hoping to start on this summer.
Best of luck.
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Geothermal heating cooling
A new house was built down close to the river and he has what looks like an in ground pump station with plastic lids like you see on a dumpster for access, he has four of them spaced over a distance of 150 feet each one is about 5 foot by 5 foot.
I originally thought it was for an enclosed loop system, but after reading this he must be pumping the river water? Never thought of that until reading this thread !
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