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Brake problems
I am going to tear into my braking system this afternoon on my Chevy Silverado. Its a 1999 and this winter it wont stop! I am driving my self nutz. I slid into a car last month at a stop sign. Get this, I was traveling about 7-8mph comeing down a very slight down hill grade. There was 2 cars at the stop sign ahead of me. One took off and the other behind that car did not move. I started to apply the brakes atleast 200' before her. Remember I am going 7-8mph already, it is snow covered and slippery so I was cautious to begin with ( And really folks! Where the heck do I have to go in a hurry anyway? I dont have a job!) Still locked out from Case Corp. {CNH})
Anyway my anti locks started to kick in. I was like," Whats this?" So like they say, I just stayed on the brakes since I had all kinds of room before her anyway and she will pull up (RIGHT?) My truck I swear was picking up speed for half the distance, all the time I am saying, " OK lady pull up! Pull up Lady!!!! Hey you dumb ass PULL UP!!!!!!! BANG! I could not believe it! Not only did I hit her (I was at about 3mph but as you know a truck moving at any speed and anouther vehical STOPPED makes a good hit) She pulled up (THEN!) got out and looked at the back of her car, right away she say's, "we are cool" I told her, " hey let me get your number and I will send you some money" She say's NO NO We are GOOD! (Her hubby is going to kill her) Maybe she did not have a license I dont know, there was no visual damage but snow was covering the whole back end so you know there will be something albeit maybe small)
Anyway I was physically shaking for about 5 min, afterwards (my right leg.) I could not believe the darn truck would not stop. I went and got 500 pounds of (Corn) . No really water softner salt and put it in the back of the truck. That seemed to help a bit, but was too much weight for the truck to stop good so I went back down to 300#. Since then the truck is still acting the same way. Anti locks go on imediately after applying the brakes at any decent speed on snowy roads? Just this morning driving one of my daughters to school it happened again, no accident but I was freaking out! I am going to tear into the brakes ALL FOUR this morning. The back brakes are working (BY HAND I ONLY CHECKED IT THOUGH) I applied the brakes and tried turning the wheel by hand, they would not move) I checked that 2 weeks ago. Now I figure I need to rip them apart and figure out what is going on.
ANY sugestions? Anyone here aver have this kind of thing happen to them? About Oct. 1, I was hit in the front end by a 3 car accident, I was not moving, stopped at a light. Not much damage and no PI injury's to me anyways(one of the other cars was totalled though). I noticed my anit locks seemed to go on often after that (on bumps) so I took it in to be looked at (I figured the insurance would cover it? WRONG!) They are still fighting it and it dont look good for me, looks like I just ate that bill) Anyway the dealer said they changed a code in the computer to help with this, said it was ok'd by the company? This apparently did not help! You think this has anything to do with the truck going into anti so soon?
I hate my truck! I have been hit on all 4 sides in 2 years and never been moving while being hit except for when a guy blew a red light.
Maybe its time to retire this truck and use it for summer time run arounds? I am pretty pissed right now so any suggestions would be great
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Brake problems
I bought a 95 S-10 Blazer new that had anti-lock brakes. I swear if you spit on the road and drove across it while braking, the anti-locks would go on. I've been told that they can be reprogrammed. Often when on ice and you hit the brakes and the vehicle slides, you get a sensation that it speeds up. I've had a whole bunch of cars and trucks since then with anti-locks and haven't had a problem. I did change tire size on the Blazer from the factory size and went one size bigger. That could have been the problem.
When I'm in those situations, I lock the brakes so the tires are sliding and then drop it in reverse and accelerate. It works when it is a close call! You have to be careful because all of a sudden you are going backwards and the guy behind you will panic.
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Brake problems
The ABS on those trucks activate (as most do) on a difference in speed between the front sensors, one per disc, and the rear sensor.
If any one of these sensors percieves a speed differential of more than the allowable limits while braking it kicks the system in.
If a sensor has been disturbed, or the wires pinched, or in some cases, it is time for a brake job, especially back brakes, the vehicle will do exactly what you are describing. If your back brakes are worn, or badly out of adjustment, seized adjusters?, the truck will be stopping almost entirely with the front wheels, this will cause the ABS system to be over-active.
We had one of our trucks go weird on us, it didn't matter how you touched the pedal, the ABS kicked in. It turned out a piece of road debris had nicked the wire and the sensor was telling the computer that the wheel was not turning at all. A 2 minute swap out of the sensor fixed the problem.
Best of luck.
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Brake problems
Arrow: Your '99 has 4 wheel disks, possibly 4 channel anti lock as well. I would try:
1. checking for pad wear on all 4 corners, replace if needed
2. Look at any wheel sensors you can see at the rotors (Warning Light?)
3. Check for buildup of ice or debris of any kind on the rotors/sensors
4. Follow wiring from sensors as far as you can looking for damage
5. If your truck is 3 channel, there is a sensor on the ring gear in the rear diff. Check it's wiring and connections coming from the rear end.
6. Try calling a dealer (different one?) and asking for opinions, they may help you.
Let us know what (if anything) you find.
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Brake problems
Arrow: another thought-- Is your truck a 4x4? If it is, then shifting to 4wd "should" deactivate the ABS.
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Brake problems
That reminds me of a Road Runner I built once. The self-adjusters on the rear brakes didn't work (do any of them work?) so about 20 miles after adjusting the rear brakes, you basically had only fronts. Since the car was an automatic, in the winter it would just happily slide the front wheels while the rear kept on pushing them. The first few times it freaked me out. I developed the habit of putting in in neutral when approaching a stop to lessen the effect; also it had a high-lift cam and didn't have much vacuum if I left it in gear. It became a habit and I popped it in neutral when stopping year round.
I thought that anti-lock only kicked in at higher speeds? Something above the parking-lot speeds you're talking about. Is your truck an auto? Maybe the torque converter isn't unlocking at low rpm's as it should.
Good luck,
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Brake problems
I've had a hole rubbed through the vacuum line to the booster on the master cylinder before, I had to stand on the brake peddle to make it work. Don’t know if that’s how yours are working/ not working.
good luck
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Brake problems
With out driving it myself its hard to pin point but I have a question. Does it do it on dry roads at all? If the ABS kicks in on DRY roads at low speeds (usually 5 mph and lower)its most likely a front sensor.This is done by watching the scanner for the one that drops out 3 or more mph than the other ones. Depending on build date some come with the whole hub. If its doing it only on snow covered roads and you feel its NOT NORMAL ABS operation (remember they are very sensitive) then I would check the rear rotors for rust and corrosion that could limit surface contact between pad and rotor cause front to do most of the work and skid. (rusty/corroded rotors very common on GM)
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Brake problems
My 2002 was acting up not quite as bad but it was kicking in when it shouldnt have. I pulled the fronts off at 75,000 and they were about 50%! I couldn't believe it, lot of towing in there and 50% on the factory brakes at 75k. I went about another 500 miles and said the heck with it I'm doing the brakes anyway. I bough new ceramic brakes. When I pulled the rears off they were about 5%. I just caught them. The rears were far gone as compared to the fronts. this was a first for me. I changed the brakes and after around 1500 miles they finally broke in and I haven't had any problems.
The antilocks DO work when you are in 4X4 on my truck. I have electronic 4x4 on mine with the awd button and pure 4x4. it works in both.
If you didn't check the rears they may be part of the problem.
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Brake problems
My buddy spent $2000 on brakes on his '99 Silverado lease truck. He traded it and got a 2002.
A week later I was thumbing through a trade publication for independent auto repair shops. In it was an article for "How to Increase Your Profit". One of the features was GM truck antilock problems. The article poked fun at dealers because they said the fix was a "$48 steering wheel position sensor" located at the base of the steering column. The article decribed every symptom my buddy's truck had.
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