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Chevy Truck bad mileage Engine Code P171
Another item you might try after you identify the current problem is to install a set of underdrive pulleys on the engine for the crank and alternator. They free up a little hp that might save you 1 mpg give or take.
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Chevy Truck bad mileage Engine Code P171
This was my first choice and it also was the first thing the guy at autozone said he thought the code could be . (Not that I put that much into the auto zone guy) but he see's alot of codes I believe. Then I thought there should of been a 02 code shouldnt there????? The 02 sensers are only around 60 bucks. Supose I could change the front ones? I never changed em? Maybe I will when the weather breaks here in a couple of days (too damm cold still) Although my codes have not come on again since the weather got above freezing again? This also wonders me? The codes started coming on when the temps dropped below freezing in Dec. Although the gas milage has been crappy since Nov.
Whats the weather by you like this week?
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Chevy Truck bad mileage Engine Code P171
Broke: The problem you are having is pretty common to your type of Chevy. And luckily for you it is really quite easy to diagnose. My diagnosis is a loose nut. Yup! It can be on the passenger side, but more commonly it's found right behind the steering wheel.
Can it be fixed? Dunno. ; )
Who luves ya baby? How's that new skid steer treating you--mine? Pretty well, thanks! 'specially with that enclosed cab AND heat!
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Chevy Truck bad mileage Engine Code P171
The weather here has been nice n wet, which is just what we badly need. With these engines, it can be difficult to diagnose what is causing the problem without hooking the engine up to an analyzer. The more I think about it, the oxygen sensors could be reading correctly. Another possible culprit could be a temperature sensor for the incoming air. On Cummins diesel it is called an IAT sensor but it can noticably effect fuel consumption as the more warm the air the less dense the oxygen in a given volume of air thus telling the computer to lean the mixture out or in your case with cold temps the more dense the oxygen in a given volume of air calling for more fuel until the engine has fully warmed up.
Another culprit could be the fuel you are burning. Depending upon the percentage of ethanol in the fuel, your fuel economy can take a nose dive. For example, fuel economy can drop by a third or more with E-85.
Just a few more ideas to consider.
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Chevy Truck bad mileage Engine Code P171
Don't know how applicable, or even correct this is, but it makes sense.
A friend of the family has a fleet of wreckers, mostly 1 ton units that get a lot of hard service. He said they have started swapping out air filter elements on a regular basis, they keep several per truck, and change them at the start of each shift. At first I was pretty puzzled by his comment, but the more he talked, the more it made sense, and is backed up by his 'real world' product testing.
The theory is, the combination of (intake) vacuum and snow or wet spray being pulled in, and the cold / hot cycles as the engine heats up, and then cools down after shut-down, combine to draw a lot of moisture into the air filter element. As soon as this moisture hits the magic 32° temperature all that moisture turns into ice crystals. This plugs the filter and reduces the amount of air the filter allows past it.
He says that they get, on average, based on testing they did at first, between 10% & 20% better mileage by having a clean dry filter element in the truck instead of a half frozen one.
I suspect that fact that each element is blown clean with an air hose also makes a big difference, but he swears by changing the air filter element for a dry one.
He says he has also tested (using a wood workers meter) the moisture levels in the elements before and after shifts and found a huge difference in the levels.
Best of luck.
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Chevy Truck bad mileage Engine Code P171
New information about this problem which may help eliminate some possibilities. It is now -2 degrees again out and all of a sudden the service engine soon light comes on again. It has not came on since the last real cold streak we had. My fuel economy is always bad but the light varies. It went off for over 2 weeks, maybe a bit more.
I have a question maybe some may know. Is there a heater for the o2 sensor? I thought I read something about this but maybe it was relating to a totally different item? Was wondering if there is a problem with a 02 heater (if one exists) if this is why when it get real cold, I then get a light? I am leaning towards biting the bullet and replacing the 02 sensors.
I sure am glad I waited before buying a skidsteer. I still wont absolutely need it for anouther 1.5 years BUT wait till you see what may be coming out! I think it will fit my bill perfectly.
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Chevy Truck bad mileage Engine Code P171
Broken: What are coming out with? Anything like it already being made?
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Chevy Truck bad mileage Engine Code P171
Sorry, I shoulda kept quite, (no) and it may never make it out of Product Developement. Sites have been watched before for just such (exposed)info,{I can get in big doo doo} I must so I claim the fifth and must decline from further comment. Although I will talk to you as soon as I can either way. [Not that Earth Shattering anyways]for someone in the earth moving buisness but for the home owner it would be nice.
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Chevy Truck bad mileage Engine Code P171
The latest and greatest! (Also the stupid boy in me)
I had enough so I decided to fix the damm problem. I had it narrowed down to the 02 sensers or the mass air flow senser. I actually figured it was the mass air flow but here is my story. Everything I read say's 02 senser's should be chganged at 100K, I know darn well that if I change the MAF and it cures my MPG problem along with the SES light, I will never change em SO, I decided to change all three at the same time! (Stupid) I know. Well I get half way down my dead end road and the SES light goes out! (This is looking good) I fill up 4 days ago. I drive 220 miles and use 12.56 gallons. Ahemm, that makes like 17.5mpg!!!! (Ahhh, the crowd goes nuts again) WhooHoo! I think I will keep my truck for another 190K miles!
So The bottom line here is that I changed the (2) two front 02 sensors and the MAF sensor. I had a SES light that coded lean air/fuel mix and I had milage per gallon drop from 17-19 down to 12-13mpg. My fix was to change the three items mentioned! Two hundred twenty bucks and I am back on track. Thanks to all who chimed in and gave my their opinions, I took my time and gave it alot of thought and waited for the weather and this alowed me to do the fix myself and save bucks! Thanks!!!
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