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Wireless Access to Internet
WAP is Wireless Access Point and it is just an antenna that you add to your existing router to add wireless. The other option is to replace your existing router with a combination 4 port wired/wireless router. The MAC address I also do not understand. I have just been learning over the past few weeks.
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Wireless Access to Internet
I don't think gigabit ethernet will be available on wireless for awhile. The MAC address is a (supposedly) unique 48 bit address that identifies each NIC on a network. Originally they were supposed to be unique worldwide but the huge growth of the internet quickly overwhelmed that idea so new tricks were invented to work around the limitation.
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Wireless Access to Internet
I'm with David...don't know anything about wireless, except I'm ready to move into the 21st century. I have dial up at home, but the kids are starting to get old enough for limited internet access, and the dial up sucks. I know Verizon does not offer wireless in my area yet. Only my local po dunk phone company offers DSL, and I guess the other option is satellite. What recommendations does anyone have if I would use probably less than 75-100 hours per month, mostly for surfing, very little business use. My desktops are getting old, so it will be time to upgrade soon. I have phone jacks in each room, but did not run the more expensive CAT wiring when we built 5 years ago.
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Wireless Access to Internet
I'm on Wildblue satellite. It works great when the skies are clear, but bring on the rain and it fades in and out quite a bit (much more than sat TV). That's a problem here in the rainy NW. We really have no other options. There is no copper from the phone company here, everyone is on a shared microwave (so no DSL or ISDN). There's no line-of-site microwave from our property so that's out. Cell coverage doesn't work here either. There's a price to pay for living in the boonies but that's OK with us.
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Wireless Access to Internet
Blueman, in our parts DSL is about $35/mo, cable high speed is about $50/mo. I have had both, cable is definitely faster. If your kids want to download music they will want cable. Wireless will be what you want - about $50 for a wireless router. If your computers are late models they will be wireless enabled. If they are old you will need to purchase wireless cards for them also.
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Wireless Access to Internet
Well, Now I'm wireless (yesterday I couldn't say it, Now I is one . It's much more simple than I thought. My older brother helped me, that was embarrassing. Bought my equipment on e-bay, The Router a (Belkin) was used, Total shipping and insurance was $27.00 . The notebook card (Belkin) was New around 22.00 shipping and all. The most expensive part is the Laptop, used a couple hundred.
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Wireless Access to Internet
I wish I could get rid of ALL the computer and stereo wires in my house. Behind my TV is about 50 lines or so. Two TVs, cable box, 2 receivers, VHS, DVD, CD, security system, surge protectors, etc. And they all pretty much talk to each other. In my stairwell I rout all my computer wires so they are all tangled up with everything my wife hangs on the wall. And oh yeah, I have a tv out card in my computer so my computer screen can be viewed on the TV. The wire situation is pretty much out of control
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Wireless Access to Internet
One ongoing question about all the wireless gadgets is that there's a chance all the extra RF radiation exposure may have a detrimental effect on health. Maybe, maybe not, but I can't see using it for things that don't require it and increasing exposure more than necessary.
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Wireless Access to Internet
You may be on to something. All them city folk are much more weird than us country folk, maybe thats WHY, 
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Wireless Access to Internet
Ken, the idea of constant strong wireless signal going through our bodies was mentioned in conversation between wife and me. At least the kids aren't here most of the time so they aren't exposed. But then I guess as I think of it the buildings I work in all have wireless. And my daughter and son are using it where they are. So David, I guess that is why we are all getting that greenish look in my house
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