Antivirus software
I have been using Zone Alarm antivirus software. Not pleased with some point about it. Have to either renew withthem or someone. Probably will go back to Norton. Any suggestions?
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Antivirus software
Its funny I was just looking into this as I had let my Symantec Anitvirus
expire for too long a time.
I wanted to get something on a trial so I got the CA product. Did not like it too slow, uninstalled it.
I checked a anti virus rating service and an Anit Virus program from Australia, NOD32, came up pretty high, small footprint and faster, less intrusive. On day 3 with it, much better than CA, I think I like it better than the over intrusive Symantec products.
This brings up another topic, I am going to create another Board on Technology so we can put these threads there.
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Antivirus software
Is that in stores, on line or where can I find it?
Wow, another world to check out. Sure hope there will be people there who are software experts. Computers prove you can use something and still be a dummy. Guess some advice about guns also applies to them.
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Antivirus software
Ken here is the link, I was looking for something, quick, small footprint, and inexpensive. Here is the link for the Trial SW.
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Antivirus software
Ken, for a "free" anti virus software you can't go wrong with AVG. If they stopped offering it for free, I'd buy it today, no questions asked. Been using it for right at 5 or 6 years and not even a hiccup.
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Antivirus software
After a terrible failure by Norton followed by abysmal support I swore off all Symantec products. I stumbled onto AVG a few years ago and couldn't be more pleased with it.
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Antivirus software
AVG is a great product but I would certainly check out the one Dennis is recommending as well.
I use AVG and pay for the premium package. I can tell you their support is great if you ever need it. Last year I did get infected a couple of times from something and since I have an automatic scan every night they were cleaned off immediately.
If you choose to pay for the upgraded version it is a fraction of the cost of Norton and McAfee.
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Antivirus software
Here is a link to one of the many sites that have ratings on antivirus software.
Has anyone used their top rated "BitDefender", also one of the cheapest I have seen? Has anyone used Kaspersky, though a bit out my price range 
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Antivirus software
I went to "webroots" spysweeper. With anti virus
it caught alot more than NORTON/MCFEE that I previously used and cheeper to.
down loaded it and payed on line ,got the hard copy sent to the house,
HIGHLY rated on PC mag.
trogans/hijackers/spyware dont have a chance with this one,I practicaly get up dates every other day and think I am safe with 160,983 definitions on file right now !!!!!!
online /phone support was excellent/I went to this program after I caught a trogan horse that the other two did not catch or could not remove!!!!!!!!
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Antivirus software
I purchased the new StopZilla as my spyware program. I like the "active" feature and the daily updates. I works like a virus program and will prevent most stuff from ever infecting your machine unlike most others that require a scan to remove what you catch.
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