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I am looking for input on PDAs. I need to remain on AT&T system and want a PDA that will sync with a Database program called ACT!. The PDA I like the best (iPhone) will not. Need a PDA from one of the following families: BlackBerry, Windows Mobile Smartphones or with Windows operating system of at least 5 or Mobile Poket PC again of at least 5 or Treo Smartphones with Windows Mobile.
Any thoughts would be appreciated. Also if you have had experience with GPS in one that also. Thanks friends.
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We have had terrible luck with Treo phones and I'd avoid those like the plague. Personally, I avoid smartphones like the plague but that's another story.
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Ken, can you tell me the difference between a smart phone and a PDA phone?
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Kenn, PDA is sort of a obsolete term. It literally means Personal Digital Assisstant. This term arose in 'the old days', back when a fax machine was on top of the technology heap.
You remember? Back when cell phones were the size of a shoe box and weighed 10 pounds?
Today a 'smart phone' and a 'PDA' are about the same thing.
I personally agree with Ken, I have a Palm Treo, several in fact, and an iPhone. The iPhone is rarely further than an arms length from me. The Palm Treo's make sure my desk drawer never fly off into space in the case gravity ever fails. I trust the good Lord to look after gravity, and depend on the iPhone.
Aside from all of that, I find there are a HUGE list of applications (there's an "app" for that) help with nearly everything I do, most especially flying!, but right down to cooking and banking.
I don't know what I would do without it, literally.
'Nuff said.
Best of luck.
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I probably spent about 4 hours checking out the iPhone and went to buy it this past Saturday. Waited and waited and finally said ok Lord what is it and walked out the store. Came back home and did a search on the most important need of syncing with ACT! and found it over and over it just could not handle ACT!. Bummer...Did find there is some action suppose to be going on with Apple and ACT!. Might end up just makes most sense to give it some time there. From further searches am getting the impression Blackberry is the better business device.
Hey Murf, the cooking and banking app, I call it "myWife" seldom more than an arm length from me also. She has good software but does freeze up at times. The best models often come from the "country girl" line up.
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I think you're confusing two different terms, 'runs' and 'supports'. You cannot run ACT! by Sage on an iPhone, but it certainly does support it.
You need an intermediary piece of software, an 'interpreter' if you will. The most widely used is "CompanionLink Express" which will import all of your ACT! contacts and information into your BlackBerry, Apple iPhone, Palm Pre, Windows Mobile, Palm OS, and Google Android smart phones.
I tried a Blackberry, didn't like it at all, IMHO clumsy to use and far to restrictive, small screen, poor resolution, awkward controls, not much software, certainly not for what I wanted it to do. Also no comparison in terms of memory size either!
Best of luck.
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Murf, if the iPhone will work that will greatly please me. But the best I have found even from ACT!'s site it works only with the 2010 Version and then only the Cooperate Package. Based upon other post about ACT! and the iPhone one point made was the iPhone does not or will not seaarch by Company name. THat is one of my biggest needs to be able to search by company name and all part of that company be together.
For fact want a PDA that will work well with ACT! for even the HP iPAC currently used is a pain at times. ACT! does not recoginize it all the time somehow and it ends up duplicating database and moving appts back by 2 hours.
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Kenny, I don't use ACT! anymore, haven't for some 10+ years, so I don't know much about it anymore.
I think the site below will give you some better information than I can.
Best of luck.
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Ted, Murf, I appreciate your help and Ken's. I had talked with Companion link just before opening this. The best I could understand was not sure what they meant. Was told could not have company name and them field for employee. If so then could not do a search for company and end up with all employees there. That is no good. Then was told well could have primary contact with second contact which could be company and then employee. Funny thing their suggestion was do the free trial. Great if I was not trying to be sure on pda before buying it.
I like tractors...much rather hook and unhook the 3pth is much easier than finding out if your product works with this pda or this one and how.
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Was told could not have company name and them field for employee. If so then could not do a search for company and end up with all employees there. That is no good. Then was told well could have primary contact with second contact which could be company and then employee.
I preface this with a reminder as stated previously, I don't use ACT!, but, as my gal will vouch for, I have an iPhone everywhere I go!
I can search using the iPhones built in search function by any word, it will bring me up any spot where that word appears on my phone, emails, contacts, programs, anywhere!
I routinely search by name of company, in my case there are companies and various Governments we deal with on a regular basis. I can search by the name of the Government (City or County name) or by company name and get a list of everyone associated with that, including incoming & outgoing emails if I so desire.
I suggest you find a (not so busy) store that sells them, or find a person nearby who uses one and understands it, it is a very powerful device.
It's so customizable it will move my alarm clocks and reminders ahead or back based on the weather, to allow increased travel times!
Even the 'iWife' can't do that..... yet. 
Best of luck.
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