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Murf, help me here.
I understand that the iPhone will not search by Company name. I take that to me if you have say Jeffery in there with his company name of Earthwrks you could not search for Earthwrks. So if old Jeffery hired let's say Frank and I wanted to put him in there as employee of Earthwrks and do a search for Earthwrks thinking it would pull both of them it would not.
I talked with a friend this evening who uses the iPhone and he said if it would do so he was not sure. He pulled it out and did a quick look at the contacts and think he tried to do a search but not 100% sure even though he did it right in front of me. He said he did not think it would. Now he has not had it long and he could be missing something.
Your input is really appreciated.
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Murf, help me here.I understand that the iPhone will not search by Company name.
Negative. You've got that the wrong way round.
It will search by any field I choose. First or last name, company, of a long list of "custom" fields such as Prefix, Phonetic first or last name, Middle name, Suffix, Nickname, Job title, Department, Birthday, Date, or Notes.
So, using your example of the "Earthwrks" company, I could search by Jeff, Jeffy, Circles, Redneck, Frilly tassles, Katrina, etc., etc., etc.
Once you joined the firm I could search by Kenny, Kenneth, Thanksgiving dinner, Pit BBQ, Carolina, Low country, etc., etc., etc.
Best of luck.
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It would be nuts to build any sort of an arbitrary data storage device without allowing the user to do a free text search on every piece of user data stored. It should be able to turn up spreadsheet files, documents, contact lists, and any other user entered data stored in the device.
But some manufacturers are nuts.
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Murf, bout busted a side reading your reply. I need to find a review on the iPhone and send it to you for your thoughts.
Ken, yep some are nuts.
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