Cut the Cord to Pay TV
Dialup ....How does Chromecast work? I've only just begun to see the little 'widget' forsale in the sale flyers(Best Buy, etc).
Hi Woodie,
Wow I was just thinking about how I started using Dialup many many many years ago and how laptops do not come with modems or sometimes no DVD player anymore, high speed networking is so dominant.
What speed do you get on Dial Up?
Chromecast is very high on COOL, lower on practical so far.. It depends on the use of a very high speed WiFi network in your home that is connected to a very high speed internet provider 10 MB per sec would be very good you might be able to stream with gaps at lower speeds. Dial up must be below 1.5MB so I don't think you want to go that direction.
How long does it take to load the pages on the Tractorpoint site?
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Cut the Cord to Pay TV
Dennis, did the cable companies win their court case?
The cable companies and Aereo are due in Supreme Court later his Spring so the final decision is yet to come.
However the Cable and Satellite providers scored a recent win in the western states where a Federal judge placed an Injunction on Aereo prohibiting them from doing business in six western states pending the Supreme Court decision.
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Cut the Cord to Pay TV
Wweell being with AOL dialup, the sign in box tells me I connect 'normally' between 23000bps and 26800bps (yup BPS). There are times we've connected at 36000 and 38000bps (very rare) but we will be bumped off and will have to reconnect at the lower speeds of 24000bps. If there are vids i want to watch from like my woodworking emails Ican do a minute or so youtube clip(just go have dinner and come back to den and vid might be ready) Generally I drive into town and use the library's Hispd once a month for those videos
From pasteing the notice link into the broswer line a Tractorpoint page can take about a minute to 1 3/4 minutes to load sometimes a tad longer and others less. Seems like all the ads load first (guess ya have to have them and give them their due) 
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Cut the Cord to Pay TV
Ok that is what I was afraid of.
I have a Mobile Version of Tractorpoint for Smartphones and Tablet users.
On your dialup connection you should use this site instead. Even at the speeds you mention it will be much faster than the full site.
Not all things are available on the mobile version and sometimes things will go to the full version, but for reading and responding to threads you will be better off with the Mobile view.
Try the link below.
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Cut the Cord to Pay TV
Thank You Dennis for recognizing the 'tech divide/limits' for some of us. Truly Appreciate your Efforts in trying to keep the info flowing no matter the 'electronic platform'= hispd, dialup, mobile,etc.
Once I figure out my wife's handme down smartphone (which was a handme down from daughters requiremnet in grad school - profs would text students late nite for pop quizes due by 2a.m.!!) Sorry for the off track must be "cabin fever" with 2 foot of snow still on grd even after our short thaw I must be getting antsy to do more than tractor seat time..
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Cut the Cord to Pay TV
Let me know how much better mobile version works for you!
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Cut the Cord to Pay TV
Woodie I know very little on what I am going to say here but met a gentleman about two months back who sells a dish for internet service where high speed is not available. I think have his phone number if you want I will try to find out info for you. I know he does not service your area but he may can give you some info. kt
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Cut the Cord to Pay TV
Dennis- thank you for the mobile link seems link when i checked my email via smartphone it seemed to automatically have that link (i have an iphone3 using safari) don't ask i'm a tad in the fog banks on how all this meshes. As to usability mobile seems fine for quick read-loads pretty quick.. as to replying/posting via mobile SCARY. As I'm not comfortable not knowing what some of the icon /symbols mean/do. From ancient history I have an adversion to 'pushing buttons' as in early days of the 'dumb terminals' at my former employment I managed to get the cursor inputing data in the "non enterable sectors of the input screen" --I wasn't trying to hack or anything just typing data in--I got a 'grilling for several days' and took the programmers a week to undo. So I'm a bit bashful
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Cut the Cord to Pay TV
kthompson-thanks for the offer and would appreciate info on install costs, monthly fees etc and if there are any 'requirements'. About 2-3 times a year we get a flyer/postcard stuck in our regional weekly newspaper from a satelletie based internet svc -think it's called Hughesnet, for about $20.00** per month, the ** referes to a bunch of 'fine fine print/requirements ' that kinda scare me.
Again thanks would be interested to see if they be the same or how they would compare.
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Cut the Cord to Pay TV
I think Hughes is associated with Directv. The only gotcha with satellite Internet is that you pay by usage. Which might be better than what you have. You just have to be careful as one movie streamed would Gigabits alone.
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