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Cut the Cord to Pay TV
Dennis- per the CFO here, she's already on the 'warpath' with our smartphone usage and not wanting to pay more for more GB. We're pretty much happy with watching movies OTA or we buy the DVDs when on cheap sale we have both DVD and VHS recording (she has to record her soaps). We considered satellite at one time so we could telework from home but the cost at the time was we would not be saving much on gas and the agency we worked for was very particular about which providers we used ( for the short time we tried via dialup it became more of a hassle- our tech support would say it's our IP the IP would say it's our settings and gateway. only to find our tech guru's forgot to trip certain switches for the morning.) darn soapbox off track again... sorry 
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Cut the Cord to Pay TV
I have considered cutting the cord for a while, haven't had the guts to do it yet. I have had my laptop wired to TV through HDMI for years. I agree that Amazon prime does not offer much that Netflix doesn't have. Considered chromecast but it doesn't work with skype. I don't like the lineup on Hulu-Plus.
The biggest deterrent for me is news. There doesn't seem to be any online substitute for live news. I switched from cable to dish tv and love it but price is high. I am considering the dish "smart pack" for $33 a month has the most commonly watched shows. That plus Netflix would be a good combo.
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Cut the Cord to Pay TV
I have considered cutting the cord for a while, haven't had the guts to do it yet.I have had my laptop wired to TV through HDMI for years.......
Cutting the cord is probably the future of the home entertainment market.
Yet right now I have to admit it is one of those mixed metaphors where as a attempting to be a pioneer or ahem cost saver, you wind up spending more money on other things.
Much as my father laughed at me 20 years ago with my wood stove firewood cutting penchant. He enumerated all the costs, work, and injuries sustained in the name of saving money on heat. Pickup truck, chain saw, splitter, wood stove, chimney, hours and hours of hauling and stoking. And the inevitable accident like crushing my finger in the log splitter.... Or my neigbor burning his house down jsut before Xmas.
So on cord cutting my high end Laptop has now become a permanent entertainment center in the family room, so I cannot use it in my office. So I got a desktop for my office that I am running Linux on. So when I need something on my laptop like Office 2013, I remote access the laptop. To make the network better for streaming I replaced by aging router with the Netgear Nighthawk ac1900 r7000 for $200. Then I canceled by land line and DSL and got high speed cable at 50MB for $120.....
So as you can see you can really save money by staying with your current cable or satellite provider rather than cutting the cord.... hey but I am having so much fun with all these gadgets, for this much entertainment I would have to spend much much more or would I ?
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