hunter s thompson hostile
kubotachick, & & ))
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hunter s thompson hostile
Grassy -notsure you would know quality if it fell on you.
Chief - you call this honesty?? I call it rude! That is why the " other" tractor website kicked you off! Although I will admit they are a bit sensative over there but I am still welcome over there!Did ya ever think just maybe you need an attitude check?
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hunter s thompson hostile
Grassy, as is the usual; your facts are eaten up and incorrect. Do a search, I am not kicked off. I refuse to post on that board any longer. The attitude is just fine and tuned properly for you. ;O)
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hunter s thompson hostile
Chief, grasgod is right. You are a bit over bearing at times, so are one or two others on this board. No one should make personal attacks like I just did.
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hunter s thompson hostile
Thaank you David!
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hunter s thompson hostile
Well, it is official now. I have been "called in on the carpet" for pointing out to the moderators on the "other" tractor boad how poorly they did their job. I've been a BAD BOY! Been threatened with being thrown out now. Was told that I appear to enjoy antagonizing the moderators. Just wanted get this out as this again clearly demonstrates this IS indeed the best tracor board going bar none. We are allowed to disagree and work our issues out like intelligent adults. This was writen By chief on " other site censorship - BH 90"
Seems here Chief you do know you have an attitide.
I've been a BAD BOY! - Chief
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hunter s thompson hostile
Well thank you David for throw out your 2 cents.......no....... .5 cents worth (adjusted for inflation) ;O) I will immediately enroll myself in "Over bearing sensitivity & management" class.
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hunter s thompson hostile
I wonder how we got so off the subject. And I apologize if i overbear, i really don't ever intend to. But it kind of seems that hostility is rubbing off. we're supposed to talk about it, not demonstrate!
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hunter s thompson hostile
kubotachick, it is not too late for you to enroll yourself in the "Over bearing sensitivity & management" class too! ;O)
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hunter s thompson hostile
you mean nobody likes my overbearing insensitivity? Well, I guess that can explain more than a few things happining in my life...Oh well...If its not broke don't fix it (and i'm not broke) And you cheif...don't throw rocks in glass houses (or something like that)
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