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ARGH The Wife
I'm stuck over here at school while the wife is talking to me on the phone, asking for directions on how to drive the tractor/snowblower. Life is sooo not FAIR!!!
She'll probably get good at it, and I'll never drive it again!!!!
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ARGH The Wife
AV8R, you might be glad she can use the tractor someday. Last year when I came home from work I just had to inspect the 64 yards of fill my wife moved to the right places around the yard and then make comments. There is also a certain amount of satisfaction in pointing to what has to be done, and then coming home and seeing it all finished 
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ARGH The Wife
She just called again.
"...What do you mean rev it up a bit?? I put it into 'bunny' gear and the snow still just piddles out..."
I think I'm gonna have a heart attack, or die laughing, I don't know which!
I told here the throttle is next to the steering wheel, pull it toward you a bit to rev the MOTOR.
She said "Oh, that-- But it doesn't move."
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ARGH The Wife
If your wife has no more understanding of how the tractor operates and how to operate it than that; she is playing with fire trying to use the machine. A very dangerous situation in my opinion. You would feel aweful if she got hurt trying to operate the tractor.
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ARGH The Wife
She's all done now. All fingers and toes still attached. (thanks for your concern, Randy) I have instructed her on the operation of the tractor this past summer and fall, she was just nervous being the first "solo" run.
Pretty funny actually.
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ARGH The Wife
AV8R - I run into similar problems with my wife. The fact that on utility type vehicles, like tractors, the engine throttle is independant of vehicle motion often seems to escape my wife. I've seen her struggle to engage the mower deck on a little lawn tractor and go driving off with the throttle barely above idle. And she's a degreed mechanical engineer!
Don't get me started on the time I tried to teach her to drive a manual transmission with my old Ford Ranger pickup.
My wife seems to be doing better and really prefers to mow the lawn with the 4310 HST. Especially since it has that symbol on the tach for the rear pto to be at 540 rpm. It's a visual indicator that she can clue in on that before she does anything, the big needle needs to be on that symbol and this can be accomplished by moving that lever thingy to the right of the steering wheel until the needle hits that symbol.
But with my wife being 4.8 months pregnant, I expect she'll stay off the tractor for awhile.
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ARGH The Wife
Glad to hear all went fine. I know the old saying becareful what you wish for, but in this case I wish my bride was more of a experimentalist. She grew up on a farm before going to college to be a RN. She amazes me when it comes to simple mechanical operations. Does the term "dumb as a box of rocks" mean anything? Or how about, "stubborn as a mule"? When I leave to go to our other house it always means trouble or more work for me later. Seems like she uses this oportunity to fix the outside jobs I do that dont meet her specs! She wont even get on the riding lawn tractor! She wont use a weed whacker! Her dad had her and her sisters trim around the farm buildings using hand equipment. Her sisters and her still live by that motto, and dont believe you can do as GOOD a job on it with power equipment. I not only have to come home to listen to her tell me how sore here hands are, and how much work she done, but I also have to then pretend I like the job she done along with feeling sorry for her! If the topic of learning how to use these power tools comes up, she tells me they dont do as good a job or "I am not afraid of some hard work". WOW, how do you answer that? I will tell you, "VER CAREFULLY" lOL. My suggestion is to go hame and let her know what a wonderful job she done! Either way. I "think" I would love to hear my wife tell me she jumped on the tractor and tried to learn to do a new task, but then again I also know we need to be careful was we wish for?
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ARGH The Wife
Does the wife read this forum???? ! Let's hope not. ;O)
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ARGH The Wife
Randy: Luckily no.
When I got home I was impressed with the good job she did do on the drive, however. She even got the tractor out of the garage AROUND my Dodge without bending any sheetmetal!
BTW the neighbor got his new 'blower for his 7800. What a monster! (62"?)
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ARGH The Wife
My good lady hasn't had much inclination to run anything mechanical beyond her car since she decided it would be 'fun' to try driving my TLB home from the neighbours.
Being an idustrial HST it has the 'range' selector where you would expect a shifter in a vehicle with a standard transmission, it even has a clutch pedal to disconnect the drive power. It then has a shifter stick on the left side of the steering column which is pushed forwards to go forward, and pulled back for reverse with a neutral in the middle.
Everything was apparently a little too automotive-like in function and it looked a little too easy to drive.
It even went pretty well ... at first anyways.
She was coming up the road from the neighbours and saw a car approaching from behind in the rearview mirro, being the conscience driver that she is decided to put on the left turn signal ................
If the 'turn signal' lever hadn't been the shifter, and 'left' wasn't reverse it would have gone a LOT smoother.
BTW, it's amazing how fast you can stop a 20,000 pound machine by throwing it into reverse at 25 mph ...
Almost as fast as the 6,000 pound SUV behind her ......
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