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 01-12-2005, 19:21 Post: 104093

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 Disagreement with Wife

In my house I am the one who enforces all the laws and rules. My wife makes the laws and rules but I get to enforce them!

This is clearly a "If I do this I get the new BX23 I've been wanting" trip.

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 01-12-2005, 22:41 Post: 104110

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 Disagreement with Wife

Like tonight, my wife told me I am a 40 yr old that she needs to pick up after, she had to wipe a coffee stain/ring from the kitchen counter. I never clean after myself! (she said). well that negates the last 15 times I have wiped the ring from the counter, infact I did not know it was there! So I went to the gas station to get a cup of coffee instead of making one! Laughing out loud. I got back and she insisted on me telling her why I left? Finally against my better judgement I told her, " I thought you were unreasonable and to tell you the truth Your frickin crazy if you think you clean after me ALL the time" You guessed it, wrong answer! After 10 more min. of her ripping into me, I let the jack down that my truck was on (was going to check out the back brakes) Pulled the jack out to move it and then she told me that I was a 40 year old slob! With that my craftsmen light went flying thru the air hitting the back wall of the garage. (yes it still works even after breaking the top off and the battery flew off also, Tough light eh?) I jumped in the truck and left to go see the guys on the strike line for awhile. It only took an hour for me to realize I was in need of anouther dog. After my bride settled down she said she was sorry. Big deal man, the damage was done!!! I showed her tonight! WHen I served supper to the kids that I made we only had stuffed shells and garlic bread ( I had all the meat and sauce already made (last weeks stuffed reggatoni's, I made I had made extra meat and sauce) So I purposely only put out the stuffed shells and garlic bread with no extra sauce!!! She really likes my shells with extra sauce! I SHOWED HER EH? Think she will think twice about ripping into me again tomarroo!!!!
Yep I wear the pants here in Wisconsin!
No it dont take two people to give a bit to make the marrige work, it takes only one to give at the right times during disagreements. If I did not like here so damm much I would trade her in for anouther Labrador. Boy she is lucky!!!

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 01-12-2005, 23:06 Post: 104112

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 Disagreement with Wife

Workplace labor strife is REALLY HARD on relationships.

I did my stint as an E-board member and then as the union VP and my marriage survived, but only by the grace of God.

I am glad I don't have to do that again..... and I know in my guts what you are going through.

Hang in. Don't make any major decisions now. Wait. Be as patient as you can be. You will come through this.

Take care, Mark

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 01-13-2005, 08:05 Post: 104119

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 Disagreement with Wife

Good advise mark!

Ken - Sorry to hear you had such a bad airport experience. My wife & I took the kids to Disney World in October which is about a 3 hour flight & i'm not sure if we just got lucky because it was an early morning flight or what but it was a breeze boarding. The lines were small & we got threw with no hassles. The only annoyance was we has to remove our shoes to go threw the line inspection. It wouldnt have been so hard if we didnt have an children with us.

Back to the main thread - Sometimes You have to do what you dont want to do in a marriage, Its a give / take relationship. This could be the reason why the divorce rate is some rediculous percentage now something like 57%. Trust me I have watch a few of my friends threw them & I would rather take a long trip with people I'd rather not go with then to create hardship in my marriage. We'll all be here to hand you the kleenex when you get back.

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 01-16-2005, 00:21 Post: 104288

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 Disagreement with Wife

Without sounding disrespectful
One person needs to have the final say in matters. If a even number makes decisions then yes there has to be give and take. I joke with my bride all the time (and she hates it). I tell her that in the last 19 years there has only been one disagreement between my deer hunting group. We stay together for 9+ days sometimes and only have had 1 disagreement!!!! I challenge her to take 6 or more of her girl friends and put them under one roof for more than 3 days and come back with the same results! IT WONT HAPPEN!!!! they would be killing each other after the second night or at the very least after the week. Something about putting women in charge andn then giving and taking dont seem to be the best situation. All I have to say is they are damm lucky they are the only ones that can make babies or they would of been exterpalated years ago! Most usless creatures on earth otherwise! And they want equal rights!!! BAh Humbug!!!
I love you sweetie!!!! x0x0x0

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 01-16-2005, 07:25 Post: 104298

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 Disagreement with Wife

WOW...You are brave to post that! I suspect you should probably get your boxing gloves out now & waite for a fight as we now have a women on this board. Be prepared!

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 01-19-2005, 23:27 Post: 104530

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 Disagreement with Wife

As one of the few females here, here is my reply--

To the original question: This is very important to her. The answer is compromise. Agree to go 1 week to vist (and make some polite reason you can't leave town more than a week) BUT at the same time you make those reservations, you're also booking a 2nd trip, your choice where. Go to one of those places in the USA you'd like to see. You do her (disorganized family) thing 1 week, she goes with you 1 week somewhere fun, everyone is happy.

brokenarrow: might as well pull out the divorce papers now if this is how you see your wife and how you treat her. No she shouldn't nag.. but then again when people nag it's usually because asking politely or patiently waiting have already failed. You intentionally do little things to piss her off, you joke about getting rid of her, and you wonder why your homelife isn't all roses and sunshine. Relationships require BOTH people's participation. Learn that now and your life will be so much easier.

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 01-20-2005, 23:11 Post: 104581

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 Disagreement with Wife

The part about joking with her has nothing to do with marrige. The last part of my post was all in fun and anyone who knows me would take it that way.
Actually funchy, I have been the one too change 100%.
If not she would of left me years ago. For 19 year I have done ALL the cooking in the house along with cleaning up afterwards (whether it is good enough for her or not (the cleaning) is anouther matter)
I dont drink or go out with my friends, untill this strike I am on I have NEVER not worked atleast 40 hours a week, I do the little things to make her life easier. For the lat 11 years anyway. She has the problem of not forgetting the first 9 when I used to go out with the guys (heY I was 20 when I got married and she was 25) I was imature and did not know any better. Nope, a bit of humor in life is good. She wont find much better than me out there for she has spent 20 years molding me into what she expects in a man.

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 01-21-2005, 06:43 Post: 104585

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 Disagreement with Wife

My wife and I both like to travel and the majority of our trips have been in the USA and the Caribbean. A few years ago our friends wanted to take a cruise to Alaska, the wife didn't want to go, she likes to cruise. Her comment, it will be cold.

I promised her a trip to Hawaii, which I had no desire to go. We did both trips and she liked Alaska and I liked Hawaii. We plan to return to both places.

We agree together on trips, unless it's a company paid trip, and she just tags along. I tend to make all of the arrangements and allow time for what she wants to do, shopping.

We have two other couples we travel with and most of the time we split up during the day and get back together for dinner.

As someone else said, you need to compromise. We have been married for 36 years. If you cheerfully agree to go on the trip, then she will probably agree to a shorter time.

Good luck. Dave

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 01-21-2005, 13:26 Post: 104624

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 Disagreement with Wife

Discussion, followed by negotiation and compromise might be the path to take.

Make sure she understands why your reasoning - then listen to hers. Make sure that you understand why she thinks it's important.

Then move on to negotiation, followed by compromise, followed by you going on a trip.

Good luck!

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