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The Flu
How many of you out there got the flu shot and then ended up with the flu??
I didn't get it and am geting the "I told you so" from my bride of 13 years. She got it.
I just don't like the idea of geting injected with stuff based on a guess what the virus is this year. This leads me to another point.
I have a buddy who wastes too much time thinking about how the Government is trying to "thin the heard" He swaers they send the virus out somehow somewhere to wed out the population- Tell me this guy isn't a crackpot!
I never had a flu shot in my life and never had the flu(at least I don't think I did). My 5 year old started school and he was 1st, my 3 year old was 2nd and now me. Wifey still is good as new.
What's the opinions on this flu shot or , like my wife had at the hospital she works at, the flu mist?
I hate needles almost as much as snakes but I'm about as sick right now as I've ever been...Go figure- firefighter afraid of a 6" snake or a 1" needle!
Does this shot work? If I get good response I'll try to get it next year. Lots of baloney that they ran out. You could have gotton it hee easily all season- mist or shot.
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The Flu
I got the flu shot the last several years. Company gave it out for free. Didn't get it this year as they cancelled due to the shortage. The flu hit me on Thursday. It's the first bout of flu I've had since I started getting the vacine.
Thing is, it may not prevent you from catching the flu, but it will make it a much milder case. It's worth it of you can recover in 3 days vs 5 or 7.
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The Flu
Everyone I've ever known that has pre teen kids, gets sick constantly. Their kids bring everything home from school.
Generally thinking, I think the best defense is to not worry about it too much, Everyone I know who uses a lot of antibacterial soap, constanly washes their hands, etc. seem to always get sick. I believe you need a certain level of germ intake to keep the immune system strong.
Most of the people I've worked with in the construction industry over the years seem to be the last to get the latest flavor of flu going around. I chalk it up to eating with dirty hands, shaking dirty hands, grabbing dirty tools and materials, and so on. Those germs make your immune system strong.
The hardest thing on your immune system is constantly cahnging environments, (as well as stress and poor diet). For instance going in and out into the cold and wet from the warm and dry.
Generally, when I'm working hard outdoors a lot, and eating decent, I never get sick. It's during those periods when work is slow, or when I spend lots of time indoors or eat poorly, that I find myself catching the flu.
The shot seems to make no difference either way.
One thing I do notice, is that once my body is in recovery mode (during that period where colds and flus tend to just hang on for a while), that getting out to work and sweating it out, seems to speed the recovery up a lot. I find that going ahead and taking the one to three days off in the beginning when the things gotta run its course, and then jumping right back into some hard physical work (while eating well and taking vitamins), seems to result in the shortest periods of sickness.
I try to avoid taking flu medicine after the first couple days as that seems to prolong things for some reason if I continue to take it.
These are just my own observations over the years from personal experience and talking to others. Everyone I know that works with their hands for living seems to agree with this mentality.
It seems like hard work and good eating is the answer to everything. Keeps you healthy to start with so you avoid getting sick in the first place, and if you do, it goes away fast.
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The Flu
My wife is a nurse and I have 3 kids 13-14-17. She always gets the shot and always gets sick atleast once. I have never got the shot in my life. Dont ever plan too either.
WHY??? IMO its a foolish waste of time and or money. I can handle any flu symptoms IF I get it. I have not had the flu in 7 or 8 years. (OOPS)
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The Flu
I've been getting a flu shot every year now for 29 years. There may have been one year, a few years ago, I wasn't able to get the shot. I'm a firm believer in them. I've only gotten sick a few times with flu like symptoms during those years. This year was one of those times. The shot isn't a guarantee against the flu but I like my chances of not getting the flu better when I have the shot. Also, Cthonestguy, if there's a shot out there that you can get and not even know it was given to you it's the flu shot. Good luck, stay well!
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The Flu
I work sunday - thursday. Got hit friday and made it in sunday. When I went in last night to work the yard horse for 12 hours I had a 103 fever. I didn't wash my hands when I ate my chicken soup my wife packed me and my hunk of bread. By 0700 this morning I actually "sweat" it out and and getting better. I'm staying away from the shots. Who the hell knows what they are putting in you. It was a bunch of baloney that they ran out. Anyone I knew who wanted one could have had one. We had FLU SHOT night at my fire department for all us firefighters and families. My wife is still a-ok. Me, both kids, my wife's 2 aunts who watch the kids all got it. My wife got the shot and she's aok...go figure.
It's true and I tell my wife this all the time (she is a dental hygentist) A little germs are good for you. She's a germ freak but I must ay she stays healthy. When we were in Italy on our honeymoon we were in some church and it was a rare day that the blood from San Genaro was liquid. Everyone had to kiss the cros that had this blood inside. She freaked that there were germs on that- A freakin saint won't give you germs in church I told here, kis it to God. We still laugh about that. But I'm the guy who gets sick. I handle being sick good but this flu thing may have ben my first sick day in my 16 years at the same company had it ben on a work day when it really hit. Maybe I'm just getting old.
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The Flu
The marketing for anti-bacterial products has been a phenominal success. It also keeps your immune system in poorer shape since it isn't getting a work out. I can see anti-bacterial stuff for your kids after they touched a cow pie or sat on a bird turd covered bench. But that's about it. Your immune system is a living system and requires exposure to germs to keep it strong and healthy. There are many, many studies that prove this out.
I don't keep anti-bacterial soap in the house because I'm on a septic system and I don't want that stuff affecting the bacteria in the main tank.
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