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These billboards will be in plain view of the red carpet on oscar night.
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Just because someone starred in a few movies doesn't mean they are smarter than me or know what is best for me. Heck, they don't even live in the real world. So how would they know what most people go through in a regular day?
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What goes around comes around. Isn't life good. Michael Moore claims to be a Flint, Michigan native. He even lies about that! Actually, he grew up and graduated from Davison High school near Flint. Somebody has nominate him 4 times to be put on their high school hall of fame. It's been rejected 4 times. On a regular basis I e-mail him at his website and tell him to rot in hell. It makes me feel good after a bad day. Try it sometime!!
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On a regular basis I e-mail him at his website and tell him to rot in hell. It makes me feel good after a bad day. Try it sometime!!
I heard he didn't get off the couch for three days after bush won. He didn't even eat. You 'know' that he was suffering if that guy didn't eat!
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Just because someone starred in a few movies doesn't mean they are smarter than me or know what is best for me. Heck, they don't even live in the real world. So how would they know what most people go through in a regular day?
The sad thing is that they think that all these movies they make and all these tv shows the make represent the typical american life/family. In reverse that may eventually be true in that they affect our children and cause them to take on some of their bad behavior, but hollywood is really full of a lot of really sick, spoiled, rich people, who have no perspective at all.
They also seem to consider that whole 'red' section of the country as 'fly over' states. Full of people who are ignorant, stupid, and backwards. Not worth their time.
Pretty arrogant bunch, IMO.
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