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Let drop the puck
OK, this whole NHL thing has reached the state of absurdity. Six months ago a lock out over a salary cap that the players would never accept, now accepted. Who's calling the shots here? If a real deadline would have been established in September, would it have been settled in September? I think so.
We are a hockey family and will always be one. But this kind of foolishness really makes it tough to respect the league and the players as professionals.
Should they play part of a season, or call the whole thing off? I think at some point you have to start the healing. May as well be now.
You want to improve the game. Make the "left wing lock" as illegal as "two men in motion". Throw the left wing in the sin bin for 2 minutes and let the game open back up. Nobody wants to watch Stanley Cup hockey with 4 guys camped out in the nuetral zone.
Drop the Puck!!!!
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Let drop the puck
Okay, I'm not much of a Hockey fan, so it matters little to me. BUT, when the NFL went on strike a while back they brought out the scabs and played some of the best amature football in a while. Why not the same thing here. It would seem to motivate the players "union."
Now if basketball went on strike, that would be awesome!!!
(I really hate basketball)
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Let drop the puck
I know little about Hockey, but I know when the MLB went through the same thing, it only succeeded in pissing off a whole lot of fans.
This stuff only degrades the game, and considering what pro athletes are paid these days, they find little sympathy from fans in these times.
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Let drop the puck
"Now if basketball went on strike, that would be awesome!!!
(I really hate basketball)"
Boy, howdy!
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Let drop the puck
What ever happened to playing sports for the love of the game? In these times of steroids, tatoos, talking smack, controversy, and strutting around saying "look at me", many of the athletes have lost focus on why they are doing what they are. Money only leads to greed and a consistent desire to want more...and actually think you deserve it...amazing! When did it become cool to be an anti-role model? Just another sign of the severity of degregation in our present society.
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Let drop the puck
I've totally gotten away from watching sports of any kind although Hockey and NASCAR are about the only ones left that are a white man's sport. I think all sports have gotten way out of hand with regard to greed and commericialism. I'm too busy with my own stuff to follow. I didn't even remember that the NHL was on strike.
A close friend of mine from TN says that colored folk are put here on this earth to "entertain us or fetch us water". I don't feel that athletes are worth the wages nor the endorsements. They don't make a cent from me!
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Let drop the puck
Yesterdays grand announcement wasn't much of a surprise. Puck em all. Pro sports has become more of a display of greed and overblown egos than an entertainment event. I don't inderstand why a defensive lineman has to dance all over the field for making a tackle. Isn't that what he is paid $2.5 million dollars a year to do.
We are a family of hockey players, so there was always the entertainment value of watching the skill level of the NHL. I'm not sure any sport at any skill level is worth putting up with this kind of crap for.
I feel really bad for the folks that make their living off of the NHL, ticket takers, popcorn guys, and all the rest that try to earn a honest living off the events. The rest of them can all....
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Let drop the puck
Well said Beagle! I would love to see people across the country boycott all of the pro sports, NASCAR included. It might bring the salaries down to at least the Stratosphere anyway. The problem has been owners who are willing to pay these spoiled brats what they demand and fans who pay the outrageous ticket costs. I agree with AV8R, that amatures are more fun to watch. yooperpete, who is your friend in TN??? ! Sounds like a lot of folks I live around. ;O)
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Let drop the puck
As usual, it's the lawyers, courts, unions, and agents who are encouraging and allowing things to get out of control. The league governing bodies for all these sports turn a blind eye as long as the money keeps rolling in.
I'm a bit of a football fanatic, and I really hate what's happening to the sport. The league is putting all these rules in place to 'protect the players', to the degree that it's taking all the fun out of the game for the spectator, and putting way too much power in the hands of refs to control the outcome of games on "judgement calls".
Combined with the fact that they are only hired part time, I see a recipe for disaster there for corruption and game fixing.
Athletes more and more are just looking out for themselves and rarely have a 'team player' attitude for more than a year or two out of college.
I blame free agnecy for this. Free agency has ruined every sport it has touched. There is no loyalty to the team or from the team, and so players and teams have a 'hell with them' attitude. As a result, everybody has become a commodity, represented by lawyers, unions, and agents.
Combine this with the fact that the media elevates them to god like status, exacerbates these problems even more.
Pro sports are definitely not going in the right direction.
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Let drop the puck
Beagle, I,m a lifelong hockey fan cut my teeth on the 70s Big Bad Bruins, but, I haven't been to a pro game since we've picked up a local AHL franchise. Great small arena 7-8000 seats, not a bad seat in the place, two top blueline season tickets $800.00 for forty home games. Meet the players cookouts & events. The best thing is, these kids are playing from the heart because they're hungry and have not been spoiled by the system.
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