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BUSTED!!!! I told you guys they would be back right? When the police arrived late this morning they were still in the garage. They (police) waited infront of my house till they exited. The theives came out with a box full of tools. OOPS! Guess they tried to tell him they owned the place. The police let them walk. Litterlly walk down the road. 20 min. later the ploce came back to a house down the dead end road. The guy was a navel dude and his buddy was a loser. Found out the police set em up a bit, they knew one had a warrent but played stupid to it (after they kept the dudes in the squad for 30min. They were waiting to see where they were headed. As it turned out they done a fine job cause they found the rims I saw them walk with along with other stuff.
I told you the idiots would return and this time I done what I should of the first time. It was burning a hole in my head for the last month!
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Glad they got the dirt bags. Trouble is there are soooo many of them out there.
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Alright! Glad the cops got them. Should put your mind at ease knowing they are not likely to come back again. If the one already had a warrant, then he sounds like real loser. They'll not likely let that one out without significant bail.
I'm glad for you.
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Let's hope they don't come back or tell their buddies. I have been taken for over $40,00 in toos and equipment in the last 4 years. Some of it not insured. I you have more than 3 claims in 2 years no one will insure you, at least where I'm at SW of Detroit in a rural area.
I talked with other contractors who work out of their homes and been ripped off and all said the same thing: The professional and even not-so-professional thief will give you about 30-45 days in order to collect on an insurance claim. Within days they will come back and steal the new stuff.
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In my previous life I had a car broke into. I had to make a claim on my house ins. 1 month later I had anouther break in at a different location. This time the busted the big side window instead of the vent window. break in one was worth $275 less a $100 deductable. Break in #2 was a big one they got my gils softball team bats all my baseball stuff and my tool boxes. $975 less that deductable. I was pissed! I did not fix that window for 3 months! Plastic bagged it. Hey if some one has it out for me come get it! Nothing would be left in that car. One night after drinking I came home and left my radar detector in the car out in the driveway (back when I lived in the city) You guessed. I had a knock on my door at 4:30 am just as I was about to leave for work. It was the police, they said," You better come check this out. The littel turds stole my baseball glove from the back and my radar detector which I had left BOTH in the car! Man drinking is fun I said! How could I be so stupid and they reminded me by taking my shaving cream (that I used to out on my glove right befor the games)and spraying the word SUCKER on the back window! (Thats how the police new something was up along with the doors being left wide open) I was going to kill someone. I drove the 2 miles to the edge of the ghetto and was looking. Wouldnt you knowit. I get stopped by the police. They told me I best get my ass to work and stop my stupidity. They knew what I was doing and they said that they are going to do my looking for me and for me to get my butt out of there and just go to work. I was so pissed becaue I was just dropped by my insurance company for making 2 claims in 1 year! I did not know you get black balled for using what you pay the premiums for. Thats my lesson I learned! Now I have a new strategy. I run a huge deductable and save 50% of my premiums every year I am claim and loss free. I will only make a claim if it is a huge loss. Trust me its not worth it otherwise (AS YOU FOUND OUT) Sorry to hear about your ins. problems
What I need is for the lady who is buying my dads house (next to me) next Wed. to move the heck in and occupy that house. I also need the house to the other side of me to be occupied. It also is vacant. They got divorced and both moved out a month ago and only show up for a hour or so a day. So I have no one on either side of me and there is a good distance from us to the next house.
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We had a problem a few years back on a site we were building out. It had been a vacant farm for years and all the local kids used it as party central.
At first it was just stupid stuff, peeing in fuel tanks, letting air out of tires, etc., but it soon evolved into joy-riding on equipment and worse.
I was told by a local supply company that they had a similar problem until they hired a local security firm. The company has a number of VERY well-trained dogs, German Sheppards & Rottweillers that they left on-site overnights and on weekends. When I contacted the company the owner came out to meet me and explained how it worked, he had devised a very clever system. At the end of each day a handler showed up with one or more dogs, they walked them in a very big circle around the area to be protected, then showed them a portable dog house and told them to stay. Next morning they retrieved the dogs. The clever part was the dogs training and the 'back up' system. The dogs wore sound sensitive collars, and a there was a nearby portable radio set. When, and only if, the dog barked, it would cause the handler to be alerted by radio. This meant one handler could administer many sites, being alerted to a problem by the dogs by radio.
Sure enough, I got a call at my hotel from the security company about 4 am one Sunday morning. I got to the site about the same time as the security company and found a group of teens, all huddled up on the machines, with a couple of dogs keeping a close eye on them. We did nothing till the police showed up but wait. By the time the cops got there a parent had also arrived, he started by asking who he should sue first.
After the dogs were called off we discovered several cabs had been forced into, plus a whole lot of other senseless damage.
The parents as a groups decided 'out of goodwiull' to pay for the damage, we likewise told them we wouldn't prosecute, unless it happened again.
It didn't.
Best of luck.
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That sounds like a great system. Nothing like a big ass dog to scare teens straight.
Back in High School, I knew a junk yard owner who had a German Shepard for the junk yard. That dog never took his eyes off on you. You didn't try to pet it either. HE knew his job and did it well.
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