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Call Me Cynical
See the link below....
Some will say, "But he was probably an abused child." My own thoughts are, "South Carolina should spend whatever the cost of a .357 round and save a whole lot of money in the future with likely sex crime prosecutions, useless therapy sessions and heartache for innocent people (and obviously livestock) in the years to come." Another possible, more lenient, solution could be amputation of the offending member by a qualified (or not) barber with a USED razor blade. Then again, I tend to lean a tad to the conservative side by nature. That's just my opinion, I suppose I could be wrong.
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Call Me Cynical
Why was so much of the story devoted to the dog and nothing devoted to the little girls? No question this kid is sick beyond belief. A bullet would be a favor for this kid.
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Call Me Cynical
I'm with ncrunch. I don't understand the lack of outrage over the two girls. A bullet would be too kind, maybe he should be fed to a couple of angry pit bulls.
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Call Me Cynical
"Why was so much of the story devoted to the dog and nothing devoted to the little girls?"
Good Question.
Two weeks after Terry Shaivo was starved to death by court order in Florida, a bunch of dolphins beached themselves in the same state... Florida.
People were out there with wet blankets and veterinarians were out there inserting FEEDING TUBES try to save the animals.
The press gushed about the sanctity of the dolphins and their intellect and the nobility of the human effort to save them at any cost.
We have entered Alice's looking glass and I think the mainstream press has gone irretrievably nuts.
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Call Me Cynical
Media and politicians do not have ANY priorities. They will do what they feel like and do not care what is "right" or "moral".
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Call Me Cynical
You guys are too leaniant. Cuff the creep spread eagle to the horse gate and let the horny ole stud horse have at him! This guy needs to be seperated from society
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