I tell ya, talking to my wife is like asking to get hit with a hammer in the head! Does not matter what, If I say, ask or insinuate anything (lately) I end up getting a lecture on why I am wrong. The latest one is tonight! I asked her (ASKED!!!! really) if she would start increasing the amount she puts in her 403B. Right now she only puts about 100 a month away. Before I could tell her that a increase of anouther 100 bucks would only decrease her take home by a real low amount, she went into the fact that I PUT US on a tight budget and how she is tired of IT!!! She wants a few bucks now and then for the family. Then I get the lecture on I better NOT push this issue. Blah Blah Blah!!! She said she is tired on NOT having much money???? Hellooooooo? If you need more money then go to work more than 2 days a week?
YA THINK???? I have come to the conclusion that we will not be ready to retire (or atleast I WILL not be ready untill about 100years old. Whats the use? If I push saving, I will destroy what ever is left. She is burned out from raising kids and NOT doing things others do (although they have a mortgage.) I think I will go buy that wheeler this week? I better prepaire myself for a long life ahead of me?
Frustrated in Wi.?
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Broken, this issue of retirement is a difficult one. I have started to think lately that maybe I should just plan on "downsizing" my job to fewer and fewer hours per week but I'd better have money coming in forever. Maybe its better for our health to keep moving in our older years and always have something going on.
I think the most important thing is whether we are living a healthy life in our later years and to not be bed-ridden. (And for those who have seen my beer gut in pic 13, I can happily report that I have lost 30 lbs and have been on the treadmill almost every day since beginning of year.)
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I bought that ___Thingy_____ 
Bought that wheeler I was talkin about. Ya know??? She hasn't said a word about it, and was really NOT complaining when she wanted to go on anouther ride the next day. Hunny??? Do you think we can go on the trails AGAIN tomarroo? I think she is hooked?
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SO what did you end up getting? The thing.... THINGY
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Thanks for the laugh. I'm only 32 and yet I'm sweating over retirement. Fortunately, I don't get into too many arguments with the wife over money. The wife wasn't thrilled with the new stereo receiver that went with getting the HD tuner/satelite. But now getting true surround sound 5.1 has resulted in her not saying anything. She actually smiles when the sound is cool for a movie and such.
But a wheeler... I couldn't slip that one past her, but then I already own 2 that I bought before we got married.
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Did you manage to sell the Oliver and but some cash in the kitty for Christmas? That might help.
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Nope. Oliver hasn't sold yet. Haven't had anyone come look t it either. I'd really like to get it sold. My company is being bought out. Expectations are the sale will be complete in early spring. So I'd really like to have the cash from a sale in the bank as I may be unemployed in 4-6 months.
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Polaris 400 thingy. A pretty blue too!!!!!!! 
I let the kids and wife drive the new one and I stay on the 250 recon. (MOST OF THE TIME) Reason being I want them (the wife) to get used to the comfy one and then stick them on the non independent susp. one This will prove my point and justify it when she gets back on the new one. Maybe even have a reason for anouther (ya know my back is pretty bad hunny?)
I have not been posting much. Life just does not get easier for the pollock here in Wisconsin.
Lets see 0now, in the last 4 months
1. my dog passed away
2. mother-in-law had knee surgery
3. Mother-in-laws doc found a tumor in her thigh (a month after her surgery)
4. M-I-Law had to go under the knife again for that
5. My wife was complaining about a lump in her neck. She kept saying it was just a lymp gland... Well the nurse (my wife) was WRONG. After 8 hours in the ER (she was losing vision and extreme pain) She has a "stone" in her saliva gland and they also found a leision next to it??? What ever that means we will find out this week or next. Might mean a trip to the big city for a specialist.
6. My mom had foot surgey and has complications from that
7. ALL THREE females in my house now have their periods the same week!!!!
I have been very buisy recently so I appoligize for not being one of the tractor point boys as of late.
Well got to get to sleep. I am working my 7th day in a row on my way to 15 tomarroo. Got to pay those medical bills ya know 
Hmmm Ya think anouther wheeler will cure all my aces and pains?? NAAA I think I better not push it/.
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