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New twist on aid for Iraq U S seeks donations
The stats I see state that Iraq never pumped more than 2.5 Mbarrels per day. Infrastructure would need to be increased to pump more (up to 6 million). If they used oil at the same rate as the US perperson that would leave about 300,000 barrels a day for export. Currently I think they have about 1.5 Mbarrels they could sell, but they have some 200,000 more people running around in thirsty tanks and trucks.
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New twist on aid for Iraq U S seeks donations
Leave Iraq out of the equation. We did what we had to do to help secure the "region". Let's have the people or governments of the "region" kick in to help the rebuilding effort. It was their security that was at risk, along with ours. Let's get some of the excess dollars from the region pumped in to help. UAE, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia are a few neighbors that will benefit from Saddams fall. Let's get more participation from them. They have more dollars than they can count.
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New twist on aid for Iraq U S seeks donations
Great idea Beagle, but don't you think that Rummy and company should have planned this before not after the fact. Now it is a bit like the big tough kid on your block showing up on your door step with a shovel and telling you he has removed the dangerous snow from your walk and then demanding payment.
In engineering projects 1/3 of the time for the project is to be spent in planning. Haste makes waste. The problem here is that the lives wasted are not the politician's or the elite's sons and daughters.
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