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Yes pointless and hostile
It's not just the internet. If you asked several local electricians you might get conflicting answers too. How would you know which one is right? When we built our house the electrician got in code disputes over seemingly simple things like acceptable panel location or what was and wasn't a kitchen counter. Not that my opinion was worth anything but to me the electricians arguments sounded more reasonable than the inspectors.
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Yes pointless and hostile
The other point to keep clearly in mind is that there is the law of physics / nature, and then there’s the “rules” of process, i.e., the building codes. The laws of physics, for the most part, are deterministic. Unfortunately the same can’t be said about the building codes and laws of men.
In my opinion the building codes are established primarily to keep the masses from hurting themselves. Recall that old saying, “a little knowledge can be dangerous”.
I look at some of the electrical discussions that occur on these boards, and to be honest I have to ask myself why people would even attempt some of these projects based on their limited grasp of the fundamentals. Seems to me that they are just setting themselves up for trouble. The sad thing about it, is that their knowledge is so minimal that they tend to get “snookered” by the “flubby dust” and “mythical” stories that others post as responses.
Why not take a class, read some books --- do some research. The responsibility is on the individual asking the question to sort out the advise. But remember, one needs a basis or foundation for making such a determination
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Yes pointless and hostile
jdcman, how true. Opinions are opinions and facts are facts. When posting for facts it is hard to seperate the two if you have no fundalmental knowledge of the subject you are seeking info on. However, if you have read and asked about a subject from knowledgable people and still have questions it is no good to ask the same people the same question or question their answer. To seek answers on a forum is to set yourself up for a bad decision unless you are prepared to research the answers you get. Normally I resort to reference books or a qualified person. When something makes you question what you have read or been advised it is time to seek out other sources. All replys should not be taken as fact, but discussion will most always end up with the true facts coming out. Some refference books, such as electrical, plumbing and construction codes are hard to get without buying them. Most people will read and interpret something differently from each other. Hence supreme courts for interpreting the law. You also have to deal with the fact that many do not completely read a post or understand it when they reply. Nor do they edit their post for mistakes in spelling or logic.
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Yes pointless and hostile
I think the person asking the question needs to understand that they are getting what they pay for. I would not ask a home electrical, Plumbing, building, legal, etc. question on a compact tractor board thinking I was going to get a completely qualified answer. I would find a board/forum with that expertize and ask the ?? . We are here to discuss compact tractors and our experience with them. Think about it!
Also you need to remember, some of us are here to post as many times as we can to get the 5 tractors under our name showing that we are an expert I for one have been trying for 7-yrs now and it ain't happened (but maybe thats cause I don't know much) )
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Yes pointless and hostile
Yes, I posted it on an electrical board and got much the same answers untill the mod. came on and posted the NEC rule to clear it up so as to not give false info. Anyway, I have the parts and will put in the ground rod at the pole barn and the home and shop/garage are protected according to code. Alls well that ends well as they say.
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Yes pointless and hostile
You mentioned in this thread about a problem with a JVC tv. Can you tell me where to find that info? My dtr has one that sounded just like your experience.
Thank you, kt
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