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Propane Prices
I rent the tank because I don't want to own the hassle of inspecting it, keeping it up to code and disposing of it when it's life is over.
Regarding comfort - one word, enthalpy. Moist air at a given dry bulb temperature contains more heat energy than dry air at the same temperature. So comparing dry bulb temperatures of dry winter air to humid summer air is like comparing apples and oranges as far as human comfort goes.
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Propane Prices
I have a large tank and all I have attached to it is the gas range top. They put around 150 lbs every few years. Thermostat and wife I will not touch that. I run things in my house vaccum, washer, dryer, dishwasher not the thermostat. Yes dear the temp is fine in here.
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Propane Prices
I've never heard aything said about the lifespan of an LP tank, but maybe there are things I don't know about. 500 or 1000 gal used tanks with a fresh coat of paint cost close to new prices around here, I never heard of a "Disposal Problem". The year of manufacture is stamped on the tank, I do know that some of the real early tanks did'nt have a "Wet Leg" inside, they don't work if you need to pull liquid instead of vapor. Corn dryers were a good example of that, during cold weather not enough vapor would evaporate from the surface of the liquid in a tank to keep up with the burner. Frank.
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Propane Prices
I've read that many 20 gallon and smaller tanks have about a 12 year service life. They have date codes for this purpose. Don't know if that applies to larger tanks though. The way they changed the code to require OPDs on smaller BBQ style tanks got me to thinking that maybe I don't want to hassle with owning the big tank.
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Propane Prices
Based on the cost to rent the tank, approx 60 per year, and the cost of a new tank (approx 1000) I calculated that the ROI would be greater than 15 years - given that I may sell the place during that time it would be a very hard to justify me buying a tank. Its far cheaper to rent, also I discovered after the fact that if I buy a certain amount of propane per year the company waives the rental fee. If I decide to get a new supplier then they remove their tank and the new company sets a new one. If it's not my tank I dont worry about the age etc. In any case the larger tanks (500 plus gal etc) do not age-out unlike the 20lb tanks that have to be re-certified. If they look OK / not leaking etc they will be in service forever.
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