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Iran A Nuclear power
This was from "YAHOO" news report today, just a small part of the story, {Nothing of consequence will happen in the Security Council because the Russians and Chinese will block sanctions," the diplomat said of the two non-Western big powers determined to protect massive energy investments and trade with Iran.]
YOU EVER GET THE FEELING THAT WE ARE HEADED FOR ANOUTHER huge WORLD WAR? We all know the Russians and Chineese have no love for us here in the STATES. Maybe its time we "the USA" show China what will happen to their economy if they want to play hardball. I would love a Govt. that would say, "enough is enough" if China does not see what we do and they want to side with this country (obviously they are hoping we do something militaily against the UN's better judgment) and allow them to enrich uranium, maybe its time we cut off the imports. The Walmarts and the "WELL" all the rest of the stores in this country would need to revamp where they get product from. China IMO forgets who is feeding them (in a round about way). Maybe I am getting old and looking into the situation way way too much, but it sure seems like these country's are up to something? Something no good? Almost like they (under their breaths) really can't stand us and want to see the world opinion of the USA go further down hill. We all know that Russia still is burned about their fall as a super power and their fall as a country in whole.
Iran seems like a country that is sucking up to the biggest kids on their block so they can threaten the worlds peace. Almost think its time we let Iran do what they want and make their own bed. China and Russia will have to live with this next door. Nothing would make me more happier than to see the USA cut off ALL imports from China. Let them all support their own selves for awhile and see what their attitude is like then when they go back to eating rats and cats. On the brighter side, they would still have Walmarts their? I bet ya their prices would be a bit higher though if we stopped allowing China products into this country for awhile.
OK Im done with my RANT.
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Iran A Nuclear power
A reasonable rant, to be sure.
China will attack us. It is inevitable, only a matter of when. As long as the short sighted American Government allows them to DUMP products here without tariff, we are sunk. Our industrial base will be wiped out in short order and what will we have to fight a war with? Our 'service economy' cannot make planes, tanks, guns or even the fuel to run them.
Wake up Americans!! A little nationalism is in order here.
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Iran A Nuclear power
AV8R (not being mean spirited, just thinking out loud)
Government can not control what the consumer buys. Union Labor costs is what has chased many manufacturers to other countries to find a cheaper labor cost. They pay the workers well above their National Average and they have dedicated labor for a fraction of the cost. Many Auto Workers get paid enormous amounts of money per hour and they demand more and more each year, Unions feel they are entitled to a percentage of the profit that the company earns. Well sooner or later these companies get fed up with these workers who want to do less and get paid more, so they reloacte. Governement is NOT to blame. Then there are the people who buy the Nissans, the Toyotas, the foriegn made stuff and why? because maybe OUR quality has plummented.
As far as the Chinese is concern, Bill Clinton did more to sell us out to them than anybody else. How? He gave them the W-88 Multi-strike Nuclear Warhead to China, to as he said, level the playing field, he then gave them the Technology to develope the delivery systems and to aid them in their research he gave them 600 SUPER Computers. Now with thier man in space, is it a Space program or LONG RANGE WEAPON TECHNOLOGY in disguise? They want Taiwan, so make a good guess.
The mideast was going to blow up sooner or later and if NOTHING was done after 9-11 as in Beirut, Libya, Lockerby, WTC of 93, USS Cole, and so on what do you think would have happened? Do you think all would have just calmed down and faded away. Now that we have gone into Iraq and the Battlefield seems to be attracted the extremeist to that locations versus Long Island, Or L.A. do we stay and decrease their numbers more and more? do we escatlate and go find more of them, OVER THERE versus over here? As Dr Rice said and I fully agree "a good offense is better than the Strongest Defense".
Iran, Venezuela, N. Korea are all probelems that will ahve to be reckon with. The World doesn't seem to want to get involved, so do we not as well and become puppets to Terrorism? Or do we try and do somethingabout it and stop it in its tracks before it grows in to a world wide threat? Will the Danish join us now? WHat about France, Germany and Russia now that their reasons for bieng against the War in Iraq has been revealed with the Food for Oil scandal. The U.N. is a worthless organization and watching the process of our involvement in Iraq shows how worthless they were. The weapons Inspectors were lead around to prepared sites, they were kicked out of Iraq in 96 and after 17 Resolutions (U.N. Threats to do something) the U.S. finally said enough and stood up against these pukes. Wer have suffered and todate after taking out many thousands of terrorsits, we have lost less Brave Spirits than what died on a single day in Septemeber of 01.
The S.A.M. sites, the T-70 and T-64 Tanks, the AK-47s and the bombs and artillary as well as the Iraqi A/C were NOT American. He did NOT gain his power thru the U.S. but thru France and the Ba'ath Party. We need more countries to stand with us and fight this sick desease or cut off all money and aid to them. Our problem is we have people who have roots in every country of the world and do not want to punish any of them.......
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Iran A Nuclear power
AV8R, scan your computer after visiting that site, I picked up two tracking cookies.
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Iran A Nuclear power
That Is why I turn down many jobs. I refuse to work for a union.
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Iran A Nuclear power
The problem of higher labor cost does not start and end with the laborers. It starts and ends with the management of the laborers
In this country there is far too high of cost involved with engineering a product and then following thru. Just like smoking and drinking, its easy to blame those guys because its an easy target. Look further into how a product is made and sold. Company's dont think twice about hiring and employing far too many semi profesional engineers to follow thru with a job that one or two could do if they either A: knew anything at all about manufacturing process, or B: knew what a hard days work really was. Many management employees are far too worried about hiding their half assed engineered products that can not be machined the way they invisioned it or hiding (from upper management) the mis-ordered products so they can either look good or get that 4% raise. Ive been in 3 different product manufacturing company's. ALL of them work in the same fashion. Quality can be blamed on the workers if it is discovered, just KEEP THAT LINE RUNNING!
We can fix it later! (If its caught) If you think that is not the way our company's are run, you better spend some more time on the floor. I mean more than enough time to get a coffee and take a walk about! Dont even think about blaming the worker for the high cost of products manufactured here. Its a total package. Show me 10 (ten) 34 year old engineers and I will show you 8 that have not ever known what it is like to actually work for a living. And then they also get their 4% raise every year (or more) What a joke, for what? In most cases it takes two-three engineers (american) to do the job of one Japanese. Maybe because when they are at work they are not spending the day talking golf,searching on the internet, (avoiding firewalls and reading tractor point) Must I go on? Becareful where you throw rocks when your working in a glass office. If you dont think what I am saying is factual your living in a dream world made up of your college buddy's and naked blonds with bunny suits on.
The we can go to sales department, support of sales departments, Office watering crews (the ones that water your plants) company lunches, expense accounts, bogus trips that last a day longer than they should, buisness trip expense accounts that show you ate $125 in meals when actually your group ate the bar (the free horderves) and charged the tab of drinks (claiming it was a bar resturant) You know, one guy charges the drinks, the next guy charges the drinks the next night and we all claim them as a meals expense. (Ive been on a few of those excursions) You get taught by the older more experianced company screwers)that have done this for years, as I was salary in R&D engineering department for 6 years before I went back into the real world of work. Ive been on both sides of the fence. Your blanket comments about me are as stupid as they come. Blame the worker because we all know your working twice as hard right? Give me a friggin break.
AV8 knows what I am talking about. Give him 2 years and we can go back and ask him which job he worked at that was more work and made the company more profit (and which departments screw ups cost the company more). Since AV8R know how to run machine's and what it takes to actually machine a part, he will be one of the GOOD engineers out there. And NO taking a few machining classes dont count as knowing how to set up run and machine a part.
Us Americans need to stop pointing fingers. Its time we all start to do a better job at what we do. We can start by designating ENGLISH as the national lanquage. Anyone who cant understand it should be forced to learn it or leave. That will be our down fall. Lucky for me I will not be alive by the time this undermines our economy.
BTW Look at what the CEO's of the companys are raking in and then look )compare that to what the CEO's are taking in in our forign country competitors company's. Look at what the engineering staffs are making in china/Japan and look at what we are making. It all is related to the final out come of why our products are more expensive (and we wont even get into the cheap ass material they are using over there to make our products with.
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Iran A Nuclear power
Thank you. For every one good engineer there are 3 sorry ones. The good ones drag them along because of a degree that never gets applied. I am sad to say this is true in the Nuclear world. If you were awared in a fair maner for your production, either on line on in the office, and not for your status you may see a better product. When cuts start they start at the bottom do you think Enron's problems were at the bottom. Cooking the Books I dont think the workers did this but they are paying with their pensions.
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