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Hurricane s tornado s floods
Wife and I have been going round and round on this one for a long time now. My wife is the typical "American Bleeding heart" person, and I am the Jacka$$ hardnosed,eye for an eye type. Katrina was devestating, with out a dought! It put many family's out on the streets,and in other towns streets. My union took donations for the victims at the very same time that a tornado wiped out 16 family's homes in MY state (and the govt. told them they were on their own) about 1 1/2 hours from my job. This upset me so much that I went to our union President when he was collecting katrina donations (for about the second time). I told him , "Why are we not helping the familys in our state? WHY WHY WHY???? The Govt. is giving the Katrina people money hand over fist, (hotels, mobile homes,campers, gift cards, food donations, ECT, ECT, ECT. The family's in my state that just LOST EVERYTHING to a tornado are just as much "out of their homes" as the familys down south. I understand that they were out of even the smallest of things needed as well as the largest ones and the folks by me were just out of their homes. BUT, There was NO assistance offered to the same tax paying "Victims of this tornado" like there is for the ones down south? My eye for and eye stance (thinking) is that , "My home and all the belongings, are just as important to me as what the katrina folks belongings were to them"! WHY is it that one natural disater is payed for with tax money to the extent that they were put in hotels free of charge and the poor fella in Wisconsin has to PAY for housing??
This bothers me to no end!
What is worse??? The Katrina victims knew it was coming and COULD of prepaired (IE: get money from the bank, get food water etc, OR EVEN BETTER! GET OUT OF the storms way) The Folks in poor Wisconsin had NO IDEA they were going to LOSE EVERYTHING THAT NIGHT! Who is more to blame for not prepairing? (And PLEASE dont give me that crap that they did not have the means to leave! Thats not my fault and certainly should not be my COST to shelter them. If the Govt. can NOT shelter everyone that loses a home to a natural act of god, than they should NOT use my tax money to pay for a SELECT FEW!!!! The bottom line is that one person losing everything is no different than anouther person losing everything?? Right?
The guy that lost his tractor to Katrina, I BET loved his tractor as much as I would (do) if a Tornado took it from me?
My wife on the other hand says that, " We should help those poor folks down there, they lost everything?" Well I say to that, " Tell that to the guy who does not have any family picures anymore who had that house that was demolished by the Wisconsin tornado!! What makes the persons (EVERYTHING) down in the Katrina area worth a hand out and the persons (EVERYTHING) in Wis. worth nothing????
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Hurricane s tornado s floods
you are 150 percent correct. I did not see any outpouring in Florida like in New orleans. No-one helped me during Hurricane Hugo in Charleston. I have yet to see a fema person. The press will not show pictures of 9/11 because it was too violent katrina was not exactly a walk in the park and I have seen enough. Their Mayor is a sorry individual and should be run off. Now he does not want the bumbs back, and will not give the federal money to them to rebuild, just the better areas of New Orleans. I agree if you support one support all.
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Hurricane s tornado s floods
let's call a spade a spade - the reason Katrina got so much attention is because it hit New Orleans and most of those who lost their homes or housing in New Orleans are black. That's it. There's nothing more to it. The squeaky wheel gets the grease and the "poor and downtrodden" minorities will get more grease than your run of the mill white farmer in Wisconsin. Now, I do feel sorry for those folks in New Orleans - my wife and I sent a couple of donations to help them out, nobody likes to see crying hungry babies. But, if there's ever going to be any improvement in the condition of those folks it will have to come from them taking responsibility for their lives and their neighborhoods and, from what I can see, it's not about to happen any time soon.
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Hurricane s tornado s floods
It never will. The governor of Louisiana and the mayor of New Orleans are now heroes for all they've done. What a crock. As far as I'm concerned they are criminals who belong on trial. But instead they are getting more handouts for the people who WILL NOT (not can not) help themselves.
Thank Lindon Johnson for his great society and now George Bush for expanding discretionary spending (read welfare) more than any president since LBJ. (... and I used to be a big fan of W.)
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Hurricane s tornado s floods
Excuse me. I do not see how a few houses in WI can compare with the level of devistation that occured in Katrina. From what I saw besides New Orleans the houses were distroyed from LA to Daulphin AL, nearly 100 miles. Nearly all houses were completely removed with in a mile of the beach. This includes the major cities of Gulfport, Biloxi and Pascagoula. Damage varied all the way to Starkville MS, some 265 miles inland.
We had a tornado travel through here a few years back. People could go and stay with friends and family. Where do you go when the whole area is damaged or distroyed? What do you do when you have to travel 100 or 300 miles to try and find a place to stay. How do you rebuild when you are 100 miles from home?
To put it into prospective. The damage from Andrew was 1/2 what Katrina did. Hugo was 1/7. Your local tornado? 1/10000?
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Hurricane s tornado s floods
I look at your pictures and see you built your beautiful house up on high ground. I imagine part of your thinking was to keep rain run off away from the house. Now, the entire 9th Ward that we keep hearing about was build below sea level. Was there any thinking going on? And who's thinking was it to abandon 300 (THREE HUNDRED) buses to be flooded instead of using them for evacuation? The problem I have is that people who do the least to help themselves, scream the most demanding that others help them. That's OK, we'll help, but they shouldn't expect any kind of respect when they behave like that, either.
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Hurricane s tornado s floods
You can forget that 1/7 for hugo. What you do is go back tarp what is left of your roof, and work your ass off for 2 months rebuilding with the money that the insurance paid you. If you dont have insurance then tough, should have though about that before the storm. You dont lay up in New York in a hotel and whine. It is time to get to work. I stayed in my house with a wife and two small children, went to work, and got on with my life while the repairs were being done. When you are standing knee deep in water and stealing TV's you need to rethink your prorities. My point is if you are going to spend my tax money for relief then give it equaly to all distaster victims. Why can't the guy in WI. get relief?
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Hurricane s tornado s floods
I am not disagreeing that it would nice if the smaller disasters had some help. I likely understand this better than most. The house on the hill you mention was built after the other house was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. Yes I had insurance. The best I could find and I still ended up building it myself and loosing vast somes of money. The idea that insurance will make it all better is do do! For your information that was the second house we lost to fire. I had to rebuild that one too so I think I know more than most.
I also have seen some of the people displaced and only a small rotten percentage get the media attention. I garantee that if I spread a wide net around your neighborhoods I would end up with a few bad actors. I know I would here.
I agree it is stupid to allow people to build along the shifting sandy shores. Where I grew up you did not own any of the beach and had to build a long way back from the highest water mark. All below was public lands. They should rethink the building along the shore, especially with global warming, but I doubt they will.
New Orleans in sinking. Part of the reason is the Army Corps of Engineers and the channeling of the Mississippi for river traffic. The soil to build up the delta is now being flushed out into the Gulf.
Poor planning? I don't think much is thought through in this country, just wait until it all blows up in your face and then try to patch it back together.
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Hurricane s tornado s floods
I'm a Michigan contractor working in Miss. for going on 7 months now cleaning up Katrina. What really need to come to light is the government waste involved when it comes to waht FEMA is paying Ash-Britt and or the Army Corp to remove debris. Rumors from insiders abound that debris which is paid by the yard starts somehwere around $110 per yard but by the time the "waste" is taken out the guys who ae doing the owrk are lucky if they make $2 yard picking it up (which I did in New Orleans and recently in Waveland, MS) The other problem of the bleeding heart syndrome is people are taking advantage of church groups as if they are entitled to the free help----even when they have big fat insurance checks and big bank accounts. There are help wanted signs everywhere and people have no incentive to work for many reasons such as getting extensions on unemployment, FEMA checks, and just plain waiting for the gov't or some one else to do it for them.
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Hurricane s tornado s floods
I have researched this and found out exactly why New Orleans fooded view the attached link.
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