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McCain and Kennedy Proposal
The night of April 17th Newt Ginrich was on Bill O'Reilly and he spoke of the 11 million Illegals currently in our country, he also mentioned that the Democrats were stalling all efforts to get a Immigration Bill Approved and that McCain & Kennedy had a proposal to add the Immediate families of all the Illegal currently in this country to the U.S. Citizens Status. That means that not only the 11 million Illegals would become U.S. Citizens but their immediate families that are still in Mexico, Moms Dads, sisters brothers etc etc. Wow! I never did trust McCain and I always disliked Kennedy here are reasons for others to join me.
When Newt was asked how he would solve the problem, his reply was parphrased" I would levy heavy fines on the Businesses that are luring these illegals across our broders. If you dry up the jobs that these people are coming for, they will stop coming. So the remendy is rather simple and rather inexpensive to the taxpayer, go after the BIG Business that has been gettinmg away with A. hiring Illegals B. not paying their proper taxes c. misrepresenting their hiring to the IRS and to other Agencies" He is so right, if the BIG Guy can only keep his 10,000 acre orchard if he hires illegals, then maybe he should onlyhave 100 acres and do it right and allow others the same oppurtunity. By even considering any form of amenesty to these illegals, we are saying it is OK to these BIG Companies and Farms to go ahead and break the laws as long as they show a profit.
Come on McCain and Kennedy, get friggin real and go after the BIG Guys who are breaking the laws. We have Americans out of work and you want 35 million Illegals to enter and take our jobs?
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McCain and Kennedy Proposal
DO NOT wait for this to go away or for someone else to do the work to defeat it.
I spent less than 10 minutes and I googled each of my Sneators and Congressmen and they each had on their website a form I could fill out and type in my complaint. I demanded that they send the 11 million illegals back and fine the BIG Companies who are hiring them. I cut and psted the message to each of the others. I ask all of you to do the same and get as many people as you can do the same. It will take all of US to send a message to the Government that this needs to stop. NAFTA was bad enough but for them to cross the borders and take jobs as well is way too much. 11 million illegals, how many per state does that add up to? 220,000 that is alot of jobs OUR LEGAL U.S. KIds won't be getting.
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