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jose can you see
What does everybody think about singing the National anthem in spanish? Next time you go to a sporting event, they may soon sing it in two languages.
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jose can you see
another thing I never dreamed I'd hear about. Let's face it, there's no will to maintain our common American culture anymore. I can guarantee that in 20 years the Spanish language will become a mandatory subject to be thought in public schools in at least 6 states. Moreover, most of us will be alive to see this country cease to exist as we know it today. Adios, America!
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jose can you see
Borders - Language - Culture
Three of the cornerstones of the United States are under attack and untill people notice this, we are in dire straits. There is no excuse for this.
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jose can you see
Well, you have to consider the Mexican economy is built upon sending people to US to work and having them send the money back to Mexico. It's been effective for them. also, all the furver over the illegal issue has been very effective in letting the Mexican government avoid their own internal problems. So naturally, they are doing their best to keep it in the media so Mexican citizens don't look at their own problems like drug cartels, corruption in every piece of government, crime, etc.
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jose can you see
It boils down to VOTES, and our sorry ass lawmakers.
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jose can you see
I have more faith in the (backed into a corner) theory.
Sooner THAN later, we will be at that cross road. A squeeky
wheel only gets soo much time to fix itself with the grease we add until we will eliminate that squeek! Lets all hope that we "eliminate" the noise before its too late!
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jose can you see
"Remember the Alamo"
How many people here realize that NOt too many years ago, Mexico had a pact with Ruissia to invade the u.S. and not too many years before that a pact with Germany.
Cubans speak what language? all the same to me, they are still pissed that we live here and they are going to take it back one way or the other.
Damn, I have a tough time understanding why so many people can't get it thru their heads, that these people are ILLEGAL.
We have a budget for Homeland security and to just blow that out of the water we have people who want to allow ILLEGALs to stay here. Wow1 brain dead or what?
Go to Google and type in immigration ICE and then enjoy the reading, you will be amazed at how many of these ILLEGALs are NOT picking Lettuce and instead are mixed in to some pretty Secure Jobs. Go ahead, type it and read.
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