I hope everyone buys something today - anything will do - to show the communist backed "infiltrator day off" crowd that we don't need (or want) them here anymore.
Celebrating the infiltrators on the communist holiday of the Russian New Year - Perfect.
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I personally plan on going to a store today to buy something. They want to make a point, so can I.
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I am going to Taco Bell to see if it is Open.
They are still ILLEGAL. no matter how they want to put it. They don't JUST pick Lettuce and I am sure there are many Americans who would love their jobs and we won't have a chance to miss them.
Remember the Alamo or San Juan Hill, I think that was German and Mexican Soldiers we fought there. Halls of Montezuma .. At my Age everything is becoming History including memory.
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Well here is where this American is: we have two Mexican owned resturants in town. I like their food. But I love my country. I can give up buying their food until we get illegals issue handled. If we would back away from all Mexican owned business for one week, why not one month no doubt they would understand that. Hey, why not until they are legal.
I was talking with the owner of a pizza rest. today on profit margins. It is much less than a nonbusiness owner believes. If they loss 10% of gross sales most business are in trouble.
In this land we each get to vote, ever year or two in elections but daily with our money. The money has a bigger impact.
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Like my Idol Newt said "Go after the businesses that are hiring them and the need form them to come here will dry up. W ehave allowed the Big Business to hire illegally and no one has said anything"
No other country in the world would tolerate what the illegals are now doing here in our country. That Tolerance crap has gotten to thepoint where we are going to destroy ourselves because of the Liberal crap "Oh you might offend somebody" damn right we are going to offend them and we are going to ship them the Hell out too. No FREE RIDES.
Anyone who says that we are built on Immigrants well that is saying "OK we can own slaves again". after the Civil War was 140 years ago and the Country was founded in 1775, ( Legally)
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Am I missing the point here? Legal vs Non-legal? I dont think we should group them together until the legals decide they want to burn that bridge. I believe the legals are american citizens at this time. The illegal ones need to be handled by our lawmakers. As I have said all along that is where our problem lies. Our leaders suck, they cannot, will not, make a decision. Votes!!!!! The nuts we voted in suck.
That Tolerance crap---- that is it in a nut shell. It has gone to far.
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Like a finger in a glass of water? A few seconds after it is removed you wont even know it was ever there. The water will calm back down and the place of that finger in that glass will be filled.
Legal Americans are not the problem. It is legal Americans that want to ruin the heart and soul of America by allowing their relatives to break the law and steal our jobs by working for less than what the job is willing or able to pay a "legal" tax paying citizen. The buisnesses and the private citizens that illegally pay these workers are the root cause of this.
I feel the penalty for "knowingly" employing an illegal should be twice as bad as the penalty for being here illegally. The only way to combat the illegal imigration into America (in search of money and or jobs) is to cut the hand off (so to speak) of the person feeding them. If that means to call it a treasoness act to knowingly employ an illegal, than so be it!
For every 100 illegals there is probably one legal that is just as much responsible for them being here as the ones committing the illegal acts of being here.
They will lose this battle. The more they draw attention to this growing problem, the more the common person that really didnt care at all or even notice them before will take notice and start turning them in and or DEMANDING something be done about their pressence.
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Broken arrow,
when you said "They will lose this battle. The more they draw attention to this growing problem, the more the common person that really didnt care at all or even notice them before will take notice and start turning them in and or DEMANDING something be done about their pressence."
I reallyhave to agree with you. I hadn't given that any thought until you brought it up, but you are so right. When they demotrated with the mexican Flag, I viewed some polls and the voters were pissed and some really well known people are attacking this crazy crap. Poll after poll shows that the people who want something doneabou the illegals surpasses 90 percent. So I think the elected officials are getting te point. I am still concerned about the McCain/Kennedy Bill, I am ticked to even think they should even consider such an Bill.
Back in the 60s everyone was talking about the revolution that was coming, I wonder if this is it...... Ihope so. I hope we can get the point made that the Govt works for us and we have had enough of this Insane Bullsh--
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No! the legals are NOT all Citizens at this time, many have only Green Cards or Visas or work permits etc. They are far from bing a U.S. Citizen.
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I am proud to say I bought over $10,000 of goods and services today from an American owned and operated business.
My footings were poured today and the basement walls will be poured tomorrow.
Check the pictures on my website, below.
Until we stand up and get off our collective lazy asses we will continue to loose our country to the criminals coming across the borders and the criminals we blindly keep re-electing to power in Washington. I wish I could slap the face of every person who has voted for an incumbent that has been in office for more than (2) two terms.
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