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11 Million Plus
I listened to the Liberal NPR this morning and I was astonished to hear some of these interviews.
They interviewed a young lady who was 14 and her mom was a Dental Tech and was living here illegally for 18 years. Let's see, right there is a Good job, kid in a Public School and so forth.
11 Million estimated illegals and as one guy said "they will take us over without firing a shot" 11 million is only a conservative estimate and could go much higher. They talked about the jobs that people didn't show up for, I would be happy with many of them. They talked about 70,000 students in one City alone not showing up. WoW! We need to really do something quick, these demostrations have really shown us that we are NOT just talking about Stoop Farming.
11 million consuming fuel, electricity, Health Care, Social Security thru SSI, Consuming goods and perishable items as well as fuel products, Education System, Jobs that Our Legal, Unemployed AMERICANS would love to have, Homes that the people from N.O. could live in and not be an extra burden on the rest of the taxpayers, crimes, Enforcement, Prisons and the list of the impacts just goes on and on. So why does McCain/Kennedy and others want to legalize these people? Why do we allow them as illegals to demand anything? what is wrong with us? Why aren't we sending their asses back to where they came from? The majority do NOT WANT to be tolerant so why isn't something being done?
I have written to every Senator I have an email for, I recommend you all do the same and pass it on.
Go here for email addresses
and here
Draw up a letter in MS Word or MS Works and then cut and paste it to the email body and then do the same for every email address you want to send a letter to. Get everyone you know to ACT NOW.
Thank You
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