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Federal Judge Orders Removal of San Diego Hilltop Vets' Cross
Thursday, May 04, 2006
AN DIEGO — After a 17-year legal battle between the city and a self-described atheist, a judge has ordered San Diego officials to remove a giant cross from a hilltop park.
The 29-foot-high cross was dedicated as a memorial to Korean War veterans in 1954 on a hilltop that towers over seaside La Jolla.
Philip Paulson, an atheist and Vietnam veteran, has been challenging its placement on city-owned parkland since 1989. He declined comment on the ruling Wednesday, but his attorney, James McElroy, said he hoped city officials would finally back down.
U.S. District Judge Gordon Thompson Jr. gave the city 90 days to comply with a 1991 injunction forbidding the cross on public property or start paying $5,000 a day in fines.
"It is now time, and perhaps long overdue," the judge wrote.
Defying the order is something cash-strapped San Diego can ill afford. Its pension fund is more than $1 billion in debt, the federal government is investigating, and there has been talk of bankruptcy.
Still, Mayor Jerry Sanders said he would ask the city attorney to appeal.
The city has tried to sell the half-acre beneath the cross to a nonprofit association that maintains the surrounding memorial walls. But federal judges have repeatedly blocked the sale, saying the transactions were designed to favor a buyer who would keep the cross in place. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the city's appeal in 2003.
A city-sponsored referendum asking permission from residents to sell the property failed in 2004. The next year, 75 percent of the voters approved a referendum to transfer the land to the federal government, but a Superior Court judge ruled that measure to be an "unconstitutional aid to religion." The ruling has been appealed.
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Are Crosses in City Cemeteries next
If it was for illegals or gays the court would say we must keep the Cross.
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Are Crosses in City Cemeteries next
It think Queers is the correct term.
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Are Crosses in City Cemeteries next
There is definately a special place in hell for liberal filth like this judge.
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Are Crosses in City Cemeteries next
I worked in San Diego last year. The cross was in the news all the time. The city is rather conservative for California as you can tell the city tried everything they could to keep the cross, by transfering the land etc. The judge has blocked every move. It is funny as there is a huge cross on a hill in TJ that is visible from San Diego area, on a clear day.
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Are Crosses in City Cemeteries next
To paraphrase Dr. Savage - "atheism is a mental disorder"
Does anyone know if I can make it into a bumper sticker?
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Are Crosses in City Cemeteries next
I went to the wed site for this Judge's Court, he chicken shit ass doesn't have an email listing.
I merely typed inhis name and position at Google.
If I were the City, I would leave it up and tell him to try and collect.
A friggin Memorial been there since 1954. Can you beleive this crap.
Seperate Church from State as faras I can read in the Consitution does not refer to this type of thing. I want to send this jerk an email, I will have to write a regular letter and mail it.
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Are Crosses in City Cemeteries next
horse farmer,
I would think you would be legal to print bumper stiker with that on it. If anyone hollers, call the ACLU. Or how about that judge.
I really wonder when a person like that faces a real problem who they call on? Oh Judge, Oh ACLU? I have never heard of either of those used in an emergency room or the battle field.
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Are Crosses in City Cemeteries next
America was founded by God and Christains has been a Christain nation untill communist liberals DEmocrats started unloading their crap on us ,anti normal agenda distroying everything that this country stood for.
the worst part is that we allow it istead of running them out of the country!but islam a hate religeon that all terroists belive is considerded a peace ful religeon thats
just crap
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Are Crosses in City Cemeteries next
Do as I did send letters to these fools, expressing Exactly how you feel. Or as i had to do with this Thompson Judge, call the court house.
Has anyone noticed that ole rep Kennedy is going to rehab for pretty much the same thing as Limbaugh, where is the Hoorah? I mean I have heard Limbaugh and his prescription drug thing now for 2 years and the Left has had a field day, now there seems to be nothingbut silence with Kennedy.
Bad if you are a Talk Show Host, Ok if you are a democrat Representative with influential relations.... Love it. More good ole double standards..
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