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Local violence
I just heard the 6pm news for my state (Wisconsin). It said that in Milwaukee, Wi. this past weekend there were 28 shootings. Can you believe this? A "semi-big" city in lowely Wisconsin had 28 shootings this weekend! I hear the national news about how violent Irag is and how our troops are in such a violent place. Atleast they can legally carry and CONCEAL! GUNS in Iraq. Our state has voted down conceal and carry so we cant legally protect ourselves while out and about. Imagine how many shootings occur in the whole country of ours every weekend? I wonder how it compares to the shootings in Iraq?
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Local violence
If my math is right, we have something like 16,000 homicides per year in the USA.
Don't even get me started on traffic deaths!
During WW II it wasn't at all uncommon to lose 3500 soldiers a day..... not over a span of 4 years.... one day.
You will not see such comparisons in the mainstream press.
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Local violence
Interesting. The lower mainland B.C. where my bother in law is a detective had 72 murders total last year and it is a nasty side as the largest port in NA for tonnage and 2.5 million people. Some of those were hit and runs.
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Local violence
My father was a Narcotics detective. They always said (my dad, his partners, and my friends) They hated warm full moon weekend nights. The worst of all is a holiday weekend that was hot outside. Hmmm Last weekend, Menorial Day weekend, 92 degree's and 82 degrees at night, Id say they hit it on the head. This country needs a internal overhaul! The scum is really starting to build up in our injectors. The way I see it is this. We have low life scum having "WAY" more baby's than responsible working ethical Ameicans. Its starting to come to a head.
The Punks from the Early 90's that had babies have failed misserably and the now 16 year olds are turning to an age where its starting to hurt! Low life scums as parents = a high percentage of future low life, drug headed pieces of shit! I for one feel we need to start cleansing the cesspool city's. The bleeding heart mentality of mainstream America (especially the coasts) is dragging us down!
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Local violence
'Arrow, you WILL come over to my place for a beer and a handshake sometime.
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Local violence
I may have misread your post, but the U.S. lost a total of 418,500 killed (including civilians) during WWII and that figures out to be 286.6 per day. SOme days it was well over 3000 as in Iwo and several others.
check this out "Doctors Are The 3rd Leading Cause of Death in the US, Causing 225,000 Deaths Every Year"
that is 616.4 per day, each and every day. Makes the 3000 American dead in Iraq over a 3 year period seem rather insignificant, doesn't it?
There will be over 114,000 who have been killed on OUR highways since 2003
Cigarette smoking causes an estimated 440,000 deaths per year
30,622 deaths from suicide in the US
MY FAVORITE . 20,000 deaths from sexual behavior each year
In 2002, nearly 13,000 people ages 65 and older died from fall-related injuries
Fall on and from stairs and steps 1307 deaths
Fall on and from ladder 355
Fall involving bed 450
Fall involving chair 162
Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed 327
Drowning and submersion while in swimming-pool 465
Water accidents 630
So it seems it may be SAFER to be a front line soldier in Iraq.
Note I did not cover Murders for DR had that one. Now if you add up all of the other stupid causes of death, it seems the chances to reach OLD AGE naturally is slim. So have another drink, I am.
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Local violence
you got it right 100%. I want to know how many felons convicted of violent crimes are currently out of prison. They are the ones who continue to commit crimes when out of prison. Those folks should be simply rounded up and shot. If that results in riots, the rioters should be rounded up and shot, too.
Does the WHOLE lake belong to you?! You, lucky mother..
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Local violence
When you get settled, let me know, I would be honored.
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Local violence
A few years ago there was song, and later a bumper sticker I saw in a Detroit suburb that said "Why are only stupid people breeding?" How true. And sad for us white, soon-to-be-the-minority guys.
Pretty soon we'll need a spanish version of the bumper sticker the way things are going 'cause after all just a few weeks ago in California they had their protests and declared "we (illegal mexicans) will take you (U.S.) over". And Mr. Bush, they mean it.
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Local violence
It is just sickening where it has escalated too!
AV8R - Wow, your staying pretty busy with the house, I am assuming your having radiant heat(?) installed.
I am just getting ready to start lumbering out my logs for my "project" of twenty years planning ! 
Keep it up - looks good!
~ Willie H
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