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 09-21-2006, 08:34 Post: 135340

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Many people have argued for many months now, why the U.S. is in Afghanistan and in Iraq and will we WIN the war?
Read the following taken from a report by a reporter who was in Iran. What would be so different from what is being said about the Iranian people versus the Iraqi or the Afghans? I think this ONE section of the report says more about what we are doing than all of the Liberal B.S. that is floating about.

Link below for the Entire report

"Of course ordinary Iranians are not, on the whole, apocalyptic types: they are warm, welcoming to 'infidels' like me and, frankly, deeply fed up.

They don't obsess about the return of the Mahdi, they don't want nuclear weapons, and they certainly don't want an apocalyptic world war.

As one young Tehrani told me: 'I don't know why we are spending so much time antagonising he West. We're just getting more and more isolated, and our economy is in a complete mess.'

The young are not even that interested in religion: a recent poll of young Iranians showed that only 5 per cent watched religious programmes, and only 6 per cent said that they were interested in religion at all.

Seventy per cent of Iranians are under the age of 30, and what they want is to be able to have fun, to travel and, above all, to have jobs.

But the puritanism, corruption, cruelty and incompetence of the regime induces fatalisticdepression and drives all too many of them to drugs: Iran now has (and, surprisingly, has acknowledged) one of the highest drug addiction rates in the world. "

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 09-21-2006, 12:03 Post: 135350
Art White

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 What do decent people do now

The war on terror is not anything that has a front line to go as a guide and say that it has only reached here! It is a war that will take years with and with out guns to win. The more isolated the people are from world news the better the chance of the terrorists to win them over! A few years back Rotary did a free world polio innoculation and for the believe it or not several countries said they didn't want it! They believed at the time it was to sterelize there population! After seeing the positives in their neighboring countries they have asked for them to return. It will take several generations to weed out the people that cause the disruptions and I doubt it can be done, what might happen is for them to subside enough for people to live with respect for others to allow all to move forward and not in a negative way. There are many people who dislike the war, I don't either and nor do I enjoy knowing that there are americans loosing there lives there. On the other side I'm glad that they are the ones being paid to protect us and not like the innocent of 9/11 that had no idea what was going on! When people do complain I often refer to numbers that are real and more controlable by us and that is over 5000 teenagers are killed on the road every year in this country from lack of experience driving! That's over twice the amount that have died since the onset of this conflict so what are you doing to save them?

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 09-21-2006, 15:22 Post: 135355

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Very good post, I liked it. Youdidn't take a side and you didn't bash one either, Excellent.
I agree with you and I posted the info primarily because I wanted people to know that the Religous Fanatics make up very little of the population but are the ones who seem to control the rest, whether it is through Fear or Intimidation or Both the way o defeat it, is Education and determination.
The War is a Seed, that if we keep the determination to see it through will be a Harvest that will better mankind through the world but mostly in the long troubled Middle East. I feel we have been turning our backs on the area for countless generations and it has finally gotten to the point where ignoring it will not make it go away. It has to be dealt with.
I find it odd that most of Christianity's stories happened with in throwing distance of the areas where the Christiananity is most shunned. I think a lot of ground has been covered and in time it will all be seen.

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 09-21-2006, 15:47 Post: 135358
Art White

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Thanks. There are no winners in a war or fight. At best some just learn to hide their thoughts and ideas.

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 09-21-2006, 16:35 Post: 135359

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 What do decent people do now

I guess that is why we have seperation of state and church. Maybe they should adopt this. Having said that

You wrote "The young are not even that interested in religion: a recent poll of young Iranians showed that only 5 per cent watched religious programmes, and only 6 per cent said that they were interested in religion at all".

Of all the sucide bombers that they have posted pictures of 9/11 and so on I did not see any grey haired old goats. The young are being lured into these evolutions and have taken up the fight. Given the chance any normal person would want what you said "FREEDOM". We will not win this war. All we can do is hang on and protect the elected officials in Iran. As soon as we pull out they will all be killed. Sounds like another war not so long ago. I agree with the concept that we are trying to inject in Iran, just do not have any faith in it.

WW and Art those were two good post.

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 09-21-2006, 18:15 Post: 135360

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 What do decent people do now


When providing a web address, if you use the fields underneath the reply text window to post the link, you can then give it a nice short name and a hyperlink people can just click on to go to the page you're trying to get them to.......as it is right now, the URL you posted in the body of the message is so dang long, that it goes way off the side of the page, and as such my browser is overlaying all the tractor point page formatting over the top of your post, as well as all replies....making it totally unreadable.....can you fix it please?...I'd like to read this thread...sounds like it might be interesting...what I can read of it....

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 09-21-2006, 19:57 Post: 135361

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 09-21-2006, 20:17 Post: 135362

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The report was about Iran and they are being lead by a real Space Dude. He is a real Genuine fantatic and he has NOT gotten to the point in his Regime to be like Saddam, YET.
You are very right about grey hair old farts, but then again there isn't much left of a bomber to be able to really tell, many but not all of the time, the head is severed an usually within a city block of the bombing.
I still say FREEDOM and OPPURTUNITY is one of the Best weapons we can offer, what you see is Young coming in from other countries, mostly Syria. As the U.S. has Soldiers of Fortune so do many other countries. Except the difference would be, they do it NOT for money but for the chance to leave this world and meet 70 Virgins. They have NOTHING else in life to live for, nothing in this World set as a goal, all these people have to look forward to is Fullfillment in another after life. We can solve this by offering options, jobs, etc. I still say this war is very winable. 30 years ago the story would be far different, even maybe 20 years ago. Today there is the World Wide Web and it works well for starting and spreading information. Look at the collasp of Russia, that wasn't all just economy, there was a lot of desire for Western life from the people within. Soldiers started asking why they were dying for a few Rubles per month and Americans had good cigarettes, good warm clothing, they looked healthy and happy etc, questions were asked and this and the economy created the road for destruction for the old USSR or Soviet Union. Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan and even North Korea have a pretty pathetic economy, keep the info hiting them, time and determination will change them.

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 09-24-2006, 21:16 Post: 135435

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 What do decent people do now

Thanks! Smile

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