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N Korea
This is crazy! Just a read that the China and Japan ministers have met and agree that somthing needs to be done about N. Korea and their future Nuke test? LMFAO! NOW China wants to be a bit concerened? I can't tell you how much I wish (not that I want any civilians killed!) that test goes bad and almost hits china!
This is an exert from the artical, if you dont call this "stupid childesh games)
""""Jang said the North also told China it may drop plans to test its first atomic bomb if the United States holds bilateral talks with Pyongyang — or accelerate the plans if the U.S. moves toward sanctions or a military attack. The United States has repeatedly denied it intends to invade North Korea"""""
If this country had any noids at all N. Korea would be put on notice right now after that stupid threat! A Hello? You can speed up your testes all you want, "JANG" cause if you were attacked, you would have no means to further your research! Just take a look at all of Sadamms old future buildings?
This next President of ours best not have a passive attitude!!!
What would you think would happen in the world opinion of the USA if we publically told N. Korea that if they launce a test, withing minuites of that test they will be hit with more firepower than they have ever seen in more than 50 years?
I say, "shoot from the hip cowboy!!!
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N Korea
Hello brokenarrow
I think they will go ahead with their test and the UN will "again" put (sanctions) on them.. What the hell does sanctions do anyway. The pres. of Iran told the US to place all the sanctions they wanted to on them, they did not care nor bothered with sanctions. I agree with you if the us is going to be the world police, tell the NK to go ahead, adn see if they would have the capability to fire another one after we decimated the area with a small contained nuke. that's the only words those people understand. Here is the question???? WHY is it the US's problem when one of those little dictators jump up and rattle the cage by threatening to use nukes or to make nukes. Why can't their neighboring countries get involved. It's in their best interests to do so sabor rattleing themselves.
America has not had a pres, with the gonads to stand up to these people since kennedy.
I say vote the whole bunch of crooks, homos, and "the good old boys" out of office but that will never happen.
i agree with you, i wish they would go ahead a test the bomb and blow that part of NK into the sea of japan.
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