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COOL-Country of Origin Labeling
Any of you guys/gals know anything about this?
I was all for it when it was first introduced but it seems to get watered down every time it comes up. By the time if/when it gets passed it will be useless.
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COOL-Country of Origin Labeling
The more I know about this, the more angry I get.
It isn't so much that I'm angry about the delays, as I am about the amount of money being spent FOR NOTHING in return.
Have you added up the government's "Necessary Expenses" found in this bill?
Here's a small taste.
Read along as far as your blood pressure will allow for.
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COOL-Country of Origin Labeling
It initially started out as a way for US beef producers to be able to gain the upper hand in marketing and was heavily lobbied for by the US Cattlemen's assn.
The reality now is that it will probably be implemented more out of necessity for disease tracking rather than for any marketing advantage. If you consider the damage to the UK beef industry (now almost non-existent), the Canadian beef industry and resultant export restrictions on US producers, the price tag will look real attractive if it serves (as it should) to completely isolate a BSE case before an industry meltdown occurs. The same argument can be made for avian-flu in the poultry industry. Right now packers demand certain information as to animal origin and its been driven by them needing to cover their behinds in the face of increasingly demanding customers (Wal-Mart and the like). Retailers are doing it because they see a precipitous drop-off in revenue when a food scare occurs and want to be able to isolate a food scare issue definitively. COOL might as well be named "Animal origin and cohort tracking", while the end product will be the same (you know where it came from) the purpose will be completely different (disease origin and isolation).
Talking of costs this program is a drop in the bucket compared to what the ethanol industry has done to grain prices and resultant animal agriculture inputs.
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