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9 11
Today I think of 3,000+ people who jumped from or burned in a building in the first foreign attack within our country boundaries. Today I think of the congressman and senators who disrespect our nations finest leaders. How soon we forget.
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9 11
Sad, but true. May God open the eyes of the US Voter. kt
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I don't mean this to any way belittle the attacks that took place on 9-11, but rather to point out a few things that are often overlooked, or ignored.
We were not attacked by any foreign nation. We were attacked from within. The U.S. hasn't been attacked by a foreign nation since 1812.
Our immigration policy is seriously flawed. We're allowing enemy combatants easy entry into our nation. In fact, it's more difficult for a U.S. citizen to get back into the U.S., from Canada -- than it is for an Iraqi or Saudi national to get here.
Yet today, the federal government is allowing thousands of Saudis to enter the U.S. under the "Student visa" program. Additionally, President Bush is allowing thousands of Iraqis to enter the U.S.
Let us not forget that Mohammad Atta was here as a "student"......with permission from the federal government. In fact, six months after he died while flying his plane into the World Trade Center, the Immigration Department sent out his permanent visa. INCREDIBLE!
The people who died in the attacks of 9-11 should know that their own government was largely responsible for allowing this to happen.
Immigration is fine and dandy. However, I believe we would have been very sorry had we allowed members of Hitler's Third Reich to enter the U.S., during WWII. Immigration is supposed to be CONTROLLED, limited, and is for the betterment of the U.S.....ALONE.
Allowing anyone to enter the U.S., simply because we feel sorry for them -- is a recipe for disaster, as 9-11 proved to us.
The truth is, these foreign Muslims pose very little threat to us. They have no planes, missiles, bombs, fighters, submarines, ships, or nukes. In order for them to attack us, they have to find some way to get here, and then use our own weapons against us. Sadly, our own government has allowed all of this to happen.
Let us never forget the events that took place on the morning of 9-11.......and let us never forget that our own government shares the responsibility for allowing it to happen.
May God bless the U.S., and may our lawmakers WAKE THE HELL UP.
That's my rant for today.
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That is the result when you cut the Military Funding, I am not talking about controling I am talking about cuts. Under clinton and gore the security of this country was compromised. I do not agree with staying in Iraq, we cannot save them. These same people that that we have put in power will either die or turn against us when we leave.
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We let the same thing happen to us in 1941. Our government was fully aware of the anti-U.S. sentiment in Japan, because it created it when Commodore Perry stormed ashore into a 'backwards' nation in 1853. Fifty years later, the Russian Navy had a tremendous defeat handed to them by the Japanese. Teddy Roosevelt hung Korea out to dry and Japan soon invaded. How could we not have known that their commitment and ideology would span the decades? How could we not have prepared to ward off the attack that came to Pearl Harbor?
The same argument can be made to the sequence of events that led to the attacks of September 11, 2001. Had the response been immediate, we'd have been justified to turn Afganistan into a giant glass ashtray. But then the dollars wouldn't roll out of our country into theirs , would it? There are so many possibilities of conspiracy that one hardly knows what to believe.
The tragedies our Nation has suffered has come at our own government's doing, or not doing, and John Q. Public pays the price, in human and economic toll, every time.
Just my two cents.
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I don't entirely disagree with you, but our nation's security was compromised long before Clinton came along.
We can go back as far as President Millard Fillmore, when looking for the beginning of this downward trend in our nation's security.
I don't blame either the Democrats or the Republicans for our troubles. The truth is, BOTH parties have caused tremendous amounts of damage. Our nation's foreign policy is to blame........and it has been developed over the years by both major parties. Both parties are in this thing up to their ears.
I place as much blame on Theodore Roosevelt, as I do on Clinton. I blame Reagan as much as I do our current President.
Foreign entanglements are not in our best interest. No matter which side we take in any foreign dispute, the other side will become our enemy........and so they have.
Our government was empowered and entrusted with our nation's defense. It was never given the power to make enemies, which we would then have to defend ourselves from.
As Mobilus correctly pointed out, President Millard Fillmore created an enemy that we otherwise never would have had. The Japanese posed no threat to anyone, until we sailed into Edo Bay with ship cannons blazing. It was at that point that the people of Japan decided to overthrow their relatively harmless government, in favor of a military establishment. They got exactly what they asked for........and so did we.
We, as Americans, have got to start questioning those who tell us that America is now the world's only super-power, and that it is our job, and duty, to secure peace for the entire world. What a crock.
Our government was never given the power to police the world by the Constitution. Our government was given the power to defend the U.S........and ONLY the U.S. Never should one American soldier die on any foreign battlefield. Foreign battlefields are things that kings, tyrants, and conquerers dream of.
I expect more and bigger 9-11s until we change our ways. Frankly, I'm surprised that we haven't been hit a whole lot harder, and a whole lot more often. We certainly have a good butt-kicking coming to us.
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