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Ice Storm
How is everyone here in the midwest doing with the ice today? We have about a half inch since dawn and still coming here north of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Sure sounds serious south and west of here. We do have a reserve generator now that we didn't have in the February storm, but hope it isn't needed. Frank.
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Ice Storm
Up here, north of Lake Ontario were getting snow, and lots of it!!
The radar showed poor EW got hit pretty hard this morning with rain and ice that may have turned to snow on the way out.
As I type this the radar is showing we are getting upwards of an inch per hour of accumulation, big fluffy wet flakes.
Until the lakes freeze up this is pretty normal for this part of the world, the prevailing winds have to cross a LOT of open water before they get here.
Best of luck.
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Ice Storm
Franky, I'm south of Detroit down by the Ohio border (it's not the end of the world but we can see it from here)
We've been getting just rain. Yesterday and today schools were closed by us becasue of everything like roads being iced over. We haven't had trees or power lines falling.
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Ice Storm
Found out today electric line workers from South Carolina pulled out today to repair lines down from the ice. Not sure in which state.
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Ice Storm
We got thru it without loosing power, but just south of us they were out most of the day. The freezing rain stopped about mid day then we had about four inches of snow on top, that actually made it better under foot with some snow frozen onto the ice. Frank.
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