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 06-13-2008, 14:09 Post: 154581

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 Dollar Drops Further -- Oil Prices Soaring

Chief, I like 'speckled hoolapoppers', I have really good luck catching bucket mouth bass on them, especially around dusk, makes them crazy. Don't know if it's the skirt or the popping sound but they sure like them. Laughing out loud

Mark, I liked it better before the edit. Wink yeah right

Best of luck.

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 06-13-2008, 14:23 Post: 154582

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 Dollar Drops Further -- Oil Prices Soaring

Sorry Murf,

I get on a rant sometimes. These whacko judges, congressmen, and other leaders who love & partake in porn yet stand in judgement against it, support armed kidnapping of children without probable cause, and care more about animals than people, and continually find new ways to take our money, property, and liberties just put a BIG burr under my staddle.

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 06-13-2008, 15:00 Post: 154583

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 Dollar Drops Further -- Oil Prices Soaring

Hey, I'm the last guy to get between someone and a good rant, as they used to say "carry on men!".

I completely sympathize with what you're saying too!

Many years back when I was burning my share of Uncle Sam's money for him, we had a really funny episode, speaking of the speckled hoolapoppers.

One of the things we used to practice (nearly incessantly) was hitting the beach fast and low to exploit the near invisibility of all things near the surface of the water because of the heat rising off the oceans surface. Mostly this was done over a 'practice area' consisting of several deserted islands and cays in the Bahamas, part of the old WWII-era coastal defense system.

That was until a bunch of dolphin huggers caused a fuss about us disrupting the Bottlenose Dolphins in the area.

After much fuss, and study, and likely no small sum of money, a very learned professor declared, not only were we NOT bothering the dolphins, but in fact we were HELPING them!! That's why they were congregating there in the first place! It turns out, the sonic booms and loud noises were not bothering them in the least, but it was screwing up the small fish in the shallows on which they fed, making them easier prey for the dolphins!

The funny part?

A pair of high-ranking elected US Gobbermint officials (wink) arrived to speak to the local goobermint along with the US Ambassador to assure them we weren't destroying their country after all. After the meetings they went fishing, while drinking some local rum, and were charged with several things including fishing out of season and taking more than their limit even if it had been in season. The charges were later dropped as a 'technical oversight'....... Wink yeah right

Best of luck.

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 06-13-2008, 16:41 Post: 154588

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 Dollar Drops Further -- Oil Prices Soaring

I took at as I think you meant it to begin with. Guess I used it for my reason to rant also. What we need to really do is rant in public and get ride of the slim we have in so many offices. Wish it was as simple as all the fault of one party but the Republicans have done nothin the first six years of G. W. Bush term while they held the President, Congress and the Senate to have no leadership ability or desire to make a difference. It amazes me. Our Senator (A Republican who I did vote for six years ago) won the primary against a real conservative this week by about a 2 to 1 margin and he was one of the biggest supporter of giving citizen ship and every free thing to the illegals there was. On top of that it was recorded whene he said those who opposed it were biggots. We may not be committing sucide by shooting ourself in the head but we sure are by who we elect. kt Hey Jeffy, probably Fat Fingers typeed this, I will let you edit. I have more faith in my 5 year old grandchild than those who are in Congress. And think Ted Kennedy a murder is so loved look at all who sang his praises when told about his brain tumor. Anyone ever heard of justice from a higher power?? kt

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 06-13-2008, 16:48 Post: 154589

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 Dollar Drops Further -- Oil Prices Soaring

On a possibly help, anyone have any experience with the soy diesel? Can you gain more from it than it cost to make it for fuel?

Also, did you catch the news today where we (the USA thanks to our fine DC crowd) are subsiding bio-fuel for Europe? The man made part is made in Brazil and shipped to us and then a little diesel (I think it was diesel) is added to made it a blended fuel and shipped to Europe with a dollar a gallon or such discount paid for by you and me. Now if that don't make me proud of the brains in DC hush my mouth. The way they reported it we have given away millions already with it projected to cost many more millions next year. What air heads. But we buy the tune they are blowing. So who is the biggest air head? kt

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 06-13-2008, 19:21 Post: 154593

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 Dollar Drops Further -- Oil Prices Soaring

Gotta add my $$$ to this I am so PO'd that the same poeple that scream about fuel efficiency are the same ones that create ways to get the Corvair, Bettle, Geo Metro, Honda crx off the roads. because of stupid bumpers etc.

The liberals do not want fuel efficient cars.

Like Glenn Beck said: If a polar bear got his head in the way I'd drill thru it for the oil ANWART. I wont even start on what I'd like to do to the liberals in washington starting with the screacher of the house.

How come no body asked Mary Jo's family what they thought about the communist kennedy's cancer?


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 06-13-2008, 19:58 Post: 154594

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 Dollar Drops Further -- Oil Prices Soaring

Yeah! Go gett'em Harvey! Wink yeah right Man! I feel better now! :O) Venting all of this stress, anger........solving the worlds problems............

Where is that Radmeister Tire Girl?!?!?!?!?! Wink yeah right

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 06-13-2008, 23:55 Post: 154602

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 Dollar Drops Further -- Oil Prices Soaring

Since we're ranting I'll vent another of my current peeves. The environmental whack jobs are peddling the idea of "personal carbon credits". Apparently we are all now guilty of environmental atrocities for simply being born. The time is coming - Thomas Jefferson was right.

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 06-14-2008, 00:36 Post: 154605

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 Dollar Drops Further -- Oil Prices Soaring

Pardon my "carbon foot print."

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