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 06-16-2008, 07:54 Post: 154641

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 Flooding beyond belief

Frank, some of what they do depends on your State and Local Government. Here when we have had massive hurricane damage debris from such as trees is normally burnt. With Hurricane Hugo tree debris could be found piled on the side of streets for weeks after the storm. One fact that can be hard to realize and face when clean up begins is the landscape has changed and may never look as it did or at least for many years. This can catch you off guard as whole neighbors can be gone or have major changes in the make up. A sad fact is the influx of people this brings. Some are valid and honest but not all. Scams can be a major issue. Was surprised to learn the FBI and other law enforcement follows such as the amount of cash changing hands attracts the criminals. No doubt Jeff found this after his work following Katrina. Such a widespread disaster takes a terrible emotion strain on all, even those who may have suffered no direct damage. kt

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 06-16-2008, 10:19 Post: 154643

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 Flooding beyond belief


Many people will be anxious to get their basements pumped out, so that they can begin replacing furnaces and water heaters. TELL THEM...."DO NOT PUMP"!

The hydraulic pressures, caused by the the soaked soil surrounding the homes, will cause the basements to collapse.....destroying entire homes.

Your local governments will have people working with them who know a great deal about your soil conditions and drainage situations. Listen to their advice on pumping out the basements. Local residents may not be able to pump out more than one foot of water per week, in some cases.


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 06-16-2008, 10:26 Post: 154644

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 Flooding beyond belief

Kt; Frustrations are already beginning to mount as people want to get in and see what remains to be salvaged aren't being allowed in till safety teams evaluate the dangers involved in all this. I can understand both sides, protecting the people is first and foremost, but as in any thing of this type power can go to people in charge's heads instead of common sense. Frank.

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 06-16-2008, 10:39 Post: 154645

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 Flooding beyond belief


It's hard for people in this country to understand, but the reality of the situation is that your local residents are now living under martial law.

The National Guard will be armed in an effort to stop looting and riots. The governments are in charge of EVERYTHING from now on.

The people of your local area had better prepare themselves for being a part of a very large army, and also prepare themselves for taking and obeying orders.

Unless and until your local residents accept the fact that they are now living under martial law, progress will be minimal, and the situation will only get worse.


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 06-16-2008, 11:52 Post: 154646

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 Flooding beyond belief

Had never really thought of it as martial law but guess it really is. In our worst cases we do used armed National Guard as looting is always a possibility.

Frank very much understand but agree with Joel, it will be a slow hard battle or war they are facing. kt

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 06-16-2008, 14:16 Post: 154649

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 Flooding beyond belief

Joel, the reason I brought up the power going to their head thing was from a personal experience after the flood of 93 with an elderly relative's home that I was in charge of caring for his business. This was a very small town thing, prbanbly 15 homes afected, none washed away, just needed repaired. I don't remember what government agency they were from, state I think? But even when trying to act in a civil manner with them they were the most arrogant, power hungry SOB's that ever walked, within a half day or so with myself and other home owners they prety much knew it was time to "Get Out Of Dodge" I hope they have sorted them out by now. But as I said this was real small time compared to what has happened now. Frank.

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 06-17-2008, 07:20 Post: 154660

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 Flooding beyond belief

Frank, there is a severe lack of common sense today. Think we need to change it from "common sense" to uncommon sense. The ability to "think" or to make the effort has been lost. Partly and largely due to our policians who want us to just "trust them." Guess what was "horse sense" did not keep up with the horse power increase. Proves it is only in living breathing creatures and not man made creations. kt

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